How to strengthen the management of residual soil and residue

Impacts of crop residues on soil health: a review
2021年7月2日 Therefore, the inclusion of crop residues into soil requires appropriate management strategies that support crop production and soil 2023年11月2日 Crop residue management (CRM) is a strategy based on reducing the frequency and intensity of tillage operations and increasing the amount of leftover debris from previous harvests The goal of this Crop Residue Management To Improve Soil Fertility2015年3月1日 Retaining crop residue can improve soil structure through various mechanisms: (1) increasing soil aggregation through adding organic matter to the top soil, (2) protecting soil Crop residue management and soil health: A systems analysisCrop residue management through conservation agriculture can improve soil productivity and crop production by maintaining SOM levels Two significant advantages of surfaceresidue Crop Residue Management an overview ScienceDirect Topics

Management of crop residues with special reference to the on
2022年7月1日 Surface retention, in situ incorporation and ex situ composting are three promising onfarm management options to sustain soil health in longterm as well as to 2020年11月24日 In this paper, we have reviewed all recent findings to understand and summarize the different aspects of crop residue management, like the impact of the residues Management of Crop Residues for Improving Input Use Efficiency 2023年5月13日 Natural resources such as crop residues can be recycled to improve soil's physical, chemical, and biological properties Most people consider crop residues a waste, but these canCROP RESIDUE MANAGEMENT: IMPACTS ON SOIL 2021年6月14日 High amounts of crop residue (more than 40 percent) can reduce soil erosion by 80 percent Even a small amount of residue cover (10 percent) can reduce erosion losses by 20 percent 1 Additionally, residue Residue preservation, measurement, and management

Crop Residue Management SpringerLink
2023年9月15日 Maintaining adequate levels of crop residue on the soil surface is essential to the delivery of soil ecosystem services Crop residues can reduce water and wind erosion, 2021年7月2日 Therefore, the inclusion of crop residues into soil requires appropriate management strategies that support crop production and soil health In this review, the composition, the nutrient content, the physical structure of Impacts of crop residues on soil health: a review2020年11月1日 Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) is severely depleted in rainfed dryland ecosystems of India and World Depletion of SOC further aggravates to Land Degradation and Sustainability of Ecosystems(PDF) Crop Residue Generation, Recycling and its 2021年5月12日 Soil Aeration; Crop residue cover improves soil aeration by promoting a free exchange of gases between the soil and the atmosphere This is facilitated by increasing structural stability, porosity, and soil drainage, further Crop Residues, their Types, Management and Uses

Alternative crop residue management practices to mitigate the
2024年6月22日 Apart from open burning, agricultural residues could also be converted into organic fertilizers The common practice is to chop and blend it with the soil to enrich the agricultural fields2023年4月1日 The burning of crop residue is not only degrading the environment but also making a loss of precious nutrients imbedded in the straw Carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and other nutrients retained in various proportions in different crop residues (Table 2) are lost by 20–100% upon burning (Singh et al, 2008)Considering the severity of residue Crop residue management challenges, opportunities and way 2014年2月28日 Nitrogen (N) is a major fertiliser for agriculture and food production About 6784 million tons of N are annually applied to agricultural fields, without which nearly half of the world’s population would not be alive today Returning plant residues to the soil is an alternative and sustainable way of N fertilisation Although impacts of returning plant residues on plant Soil nitrogen dynamics and crop residues A review2023年10月25日 Nitrogen (N) combined with crop residue retention offers an effective way to achieve soil sustainability To achieve better results, crop residue is generally incorporated into the soil However, there is limited research on residue management and N application impact on the vertical distribution of the crop canopy and N allocation This study used a longterm field The Effect of Crop Residue Management and Nitrogen Supply on

Different contributions of microbial and plant residues to soil
2024年6月7日 Aims Plant and microbial residues are the primary drivers mediating soil organic carbon (SOC) accumulation in terrestrial ecosystems However, how plant residues and microbial residues affect SOC accumulation and the underlying mechanisms remain poorly understood, especially in the succession process of different vegetation types Methods In this study, 2023年12月1日 Pesticide residue analysis in soil is an important feature of environmental monitoring Several recent studies have pointed out the high level of contamination from currently used pesticides in European agricultural soils [5], [6], [7]The latent presence of some pesticides in soil after use and their degradation products is a serious environmental concernAnalysis of pesticide residues in soil: A review and comparison of Bauxite residue (Red mud) is produced in alumina plants by the Bayer process in which Alcontaining minerals are dissolved in hot NaOH The global residue inventory reached an estimated 35 billion tons in 2014, increasing by approximately 120 million tons per annum The appropriate management of bauxite residue is becoming a global environmental concern A review of the characterization and revegetation of bauxite residues 2019年5月20日 Therefore, the present experiment was conducted to study the effect of tillage, residue and nitrogen management on soil mineral nitrogen dynamics, nitrogen uptake, yield and nitrogen use (PDF) Effect of Tillage, Residue and Nitrogen

Crop Residue Management: A Sustainable Approach
2023年7月14日 Proper residue management is essential for mitigating soil erosion, protecting valuable resources, and promoting sustainable land management practices Crop Residue Decomposition and Nutrient Cycling of soil residue mitigation strategies Here, in this review, we discussed the different approaches and methods used for the mitigation of herbicidal residues in the soil Management of herbicide residues in soil An ideal soil applied herbicide should persist long enough to give an acceptable period of weed controlRecent advances in mitigation methods for herbicide residues in the soil2023年7月11日 Benefits of crop residue management Effective crop residue management can deliver several benefits, both environmentally and economically Beneficial effect of crop residue on soil health and crop yield Crop residues can significantly enhance soil health by improving its physical properties, enriching its nutrient content, and promoting Stepbystep guide to effective crop residue management2018年6月29日 Soil pH after harvest of wheat was influenced by interaction of (A) residue management and cropping system at Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal during winter season of 2015/16 [Note: Mean separated by DMRT Effect of Tillage, Residue Management and Cropping System on

Phylogenetic and Multivariate Analyses To Determine the
2010年4月9日 forms of tillage and residue management on soil bacterial communities by using phylogenetic and multivariate the residual matrix of the can increase microbial richness, strengthen the pres2017年6月6日 Nutrient management had considerable importance in sequestering the higher fraction of atmospheric C back into the soil Crop residue management within the ecosystem helps conserving soil C with Crop residues management option for sustainable soil health in 2020年10月1日 In order to evaluate the effects of various residue management methods and N fertilizer rates on some soil quality indicators, accumulation of residual soil nitrate, and wheat yield under no till Effects of residue management and nitrogen fertilizer rates on 2012年1月1日 Notillage with residue cover (NTR), notillage with residue removed and manure applied (NTRRM), and conventional tillage with residue removed (CTRR) were investigated for 6 yr, based on a uniform N application among treatments Soil samples were collected at six depths and changes in SOC and total N pools were analyzedEffects of Tillage and Residue Management on Soil Organic Carbon

Strategies for managing corn crop residue in the context of
2024年10月7日 Food production is one of the most important sources of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, both in primary production and in processing and the logistics chain The most problematic and risky is the optimization of environmental effects in the stage of primary production This is due to the significant influence of factors related to climate and soil that are 2021年9月24日 Residue burning causes nutrient and resource loss and adversely affects soil properties, thus calling for improvement in harvesting technologies and sustainable management of RWS View Show abstractMushroom Cultivation: A Sustainable Solution for 2024年4月1日 Due to the vulnerability to changing climate, global warming can negatively impact crop production (IPCC, 2022b), threatening food security and crop residue's byproductsGlobal crop residue production is estimated at 38 × 10 9 t/a (Lal, 2005)It has been regarded as one of the critical resource for agricultural soil carbon pool, offering significant Estimation of crop residue production and its contribution to 2016年2月23日 • A national soil survey found that residues of certain herbicides, including glyphosate and its metabolite AMPA, trifluralin and diflufenican, frequently persist at agronomically significant levels in soils prior to the winter Herbicide residues in soils – are they an issue?

The Role of Crop Residues in Improving Soil Fertility
2007年1月1日 residue management o n soil biota and soil biological p roperties can be found elsewhere (Cochran et al 1994; Holland 2004; Pa nkhurst et al 1997; Roper and Gupta 1995) 7412019年1月1日 W orldwide, crop residue management is a challenge as farmers strive to maintain economic viability, provide food, feed and fiber for their families, and meet longterm production requirements in a changing environment One strategy for increasing revenue and production per unit of land is to harvest and use crop residues for animal feed or as feedstock Crop Residue Management Challenges: A Special Issue Overview2020年11月24日 Crop residues, the byproduct of crop production, are valuable natural resources that can be managed to maximize different input use efficiencies Crop residue management is a wellknown and widely accepted practice, and is a key component of conservation agriculture The rapid shift from conventional agriculture to inputintensive Management of Crop Residues for Improving Input Use Division of Soil and Crop Management, ICARCentral Soil Salinity Research Institute (CSSRI), Karnal (Haryana), India Ranbir Singh Division of Soil and Crop Management, ICARCentral Soil Revised: September 1, 2019Salinity Research Institute (CSSRI), Karnal (Haryana), India Accepted: September 7, 2019 Neeraj KumarEffect of crop residue management on soil organic carbon, soil

(PDF) Management of sugarcane harvest residues: Consequences for soil
2007年1月1日 The objective of this work was to determine whether conversion from a burning to a GCTB trash management system is likely to affect soil fertility in terms of C and N Indicators of short and Crop Residue Generation, Recycling and its Management for Agricultural Sustainability Indian Journal of Fertilisers 16 (11) : 11521161, November 2020 44 Large number of studies show adverse effects of crop residue burning on soil organic carbon (SOC), soil fertility and soil health, and longterm sustainability of crop productionCrop Residue Generation, Recycling and its Management for 2023年9月15日 Crop residues are a precious commodity (Fig 91)They have a value, although sometimes they are misguidedly considered “waste” or “trash” Crop residues are multifunctional and are used for a number of purposes (Fig 93), but their primary function is to conserve soil and waterThe four main competing uses are soil and water conservation, animal feed and Crop Residue Management SpringerLink2021年7月2日 Therefore, the inclusion of crop residues into soil requires appropriate management strategies that support crop production and soil health In this review, the composition, the nutrient content, the physical structure of Impacts of crop residues on soil health: a review

(PDF) Crop Residue Generation, Recycling and its
2020年11月1日 Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) is severely depleted in rainfed dryland ecosystems of India and World Depletion of SOC further aggravates to Land Degradation and Sustainability of Ecosystems2021年5月12日 Soil Aeration; Crop residue cover improves soil aeration by promoting a free exchange of gases between the soil and the atmosphere This is facilitated by increasing structural stability, porosity, and soil drainage, further Crop Residues, their Types, Management and Uses2024年6月22日 Apart from open burning, agricultural residues could also be converted into organic fertilizers The common practice is to chop and blend it with the soil to enrich the agricultural fieldsAlternative crop residue management practices to mitigate the 2023年4月1日 The burning of crop residue is not only degrading the environment but also making a loss of precious nutrients imbedded in the straw Carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and other nutrients retained in various proportions in different crop residues (Table 2) are lost by 20–100% upon burning (Singh et al, 2008)Considering the severity of residue Crop residue management challenges, opportunities and way

Soil nitrogen dynamics and crop residues A review
2014年2月28日 Nitrogen (N) is a major fertiliser for agriculture and food production About 6784 million tons of N are annually applied to agricultural fields, without which nearly half of the world’s population would not be alive today Returning plant residues to the soil is an alternative and sustainable way of N fertilisation Although impacts of returning plant residues on plant 2023年10月25日 Nitrogen (N) combined with crop residue retention offers an effective way to achieve soil sustainability To achieve better results, crop residue is generally incorporated into the soil However, there is limited research on residue management and N application impact on the vertical distribution of the crop canopy and N allocation This study used a longterm field The Effect of Crop Residue Management and Nitrogen Supply on 2024年6月7日 Aims Plant and microbial residues are the primary drivers mediating soil organic carbon (SOC) accumulation in terrestrial ecosystems However, how plant residues and microbial residues affect SOC accumulation and the underlying mechanisms remain poorly understood, especially in the succession process of different vegetation types Methods In this study, Different contributions of microbial and plant residues to soil 2023年12月1日 Pesticide residue analysis in soil is an important feature of environmental monitoring Several recent studies have pointed out the high level of contamination from currently used pesticides in European agricultural soils [5], [6], [7]The latent presence of some pesticides in soil after use and their degradation products is a serious environmental concernAnalysis of pesticide residues in soil: A review and comparison of

A review of the characterization and revegetation of bauxite residues
Bauxite residue (Red mud) is produced in alumina plants by the Bayer process in which Alcontaining minerals are dissolved in hot NaOH The global residue inventory reached an estimated 35 billion tons in 2014, increasing by approximately 120 million tons per annum The appropriate management of bauxite residue is becoming a global environmental concern