MTW European Type Trapezium Mill

Input size:30-50mm

Capacity: 3-50t/h

LM Vertical Roller Mill

Input size:38-65mm

Capacity: 13-70t/h

Raymond Mill

Input size:20-30mm

Capacity: 0.8-9.5t/h

Sand powder vertical mill

Input size:30-55mm

Capacity: 30-900t/h

LUM series superfine vertical roller grinding mill

Input size:10-20mm

Capacity: 5-18t/h

MW Micro Powder Mill

Input size:≤20mm

Capacity: 0.5-12t/h

LM Vertical Slag Mill

Input size:38-65mm

Capacity: 7-100t/h

LM Vertical Coal Mill

Input size:≤50mm

Capacity: 5-100t/h

TGM Trapezium Mill

Input size:25-40mm

Capacity: 3-36t/h

MB5X Pendulum Roller Grinding Mill

Input size:25-55mm

Capacity: 4-100t/h

Straight-Through Centrifugal Mill

Input size:30-40mm

Capacity: 15-45t/h

Large corn straw crushing and collecting machine

  • Design optimization and performance evaluation of corn straw

    Based on the requirements of livestock for straw feed consumption, the corn straw treatment process engineering was studied, and the overall structure, transmission scheme, and main We concluded that this machine can complete straw collection, deep buried, repressing joint operations It not only could achieve deep buried straw, enhance soil organic, realize the Design and test of 1JHL2 type straw deep burying and returning Research on corn straw chopping and spreading machine design and dynamic characteristic of straw[ D] Beijing: China Agricultural University, 2018 (in Chinese)Design and Experiment of Straw Pickup Crushed and Deep 2017年7月25日  In HuangHuaiHai area, the large amount of maize straw cover resulted in increasing difficulties in winter wheat sowing, and an integrated machine was developed to Design and Experiment on Straw Pickupchopping and Ditch

  • Farm machinery capable of crushing corn straw and returning the

    2008年3月5日  The invention relates to an agricultural machine which can crush corn straw and achieve the effect that the corn straw can be crushed to be 2cm to 5cm in average so as to requirements of straw crushing and can provide technical scheme for comprehensive utilization of corn straw 摘要 针对玉米秸秆资源的综合利用率低的问题,设计了一种适用玉米收获机的秸秆 DEVELOPMENT AND TEST OF CORN STRAW KNEADING AND 2007年3月17日  The corn straw crushing mechanism comprises an actuating device, a fixing device for cutter head shaft, and a straw crushing cutter head, which is provided on the two Machine for harvesting corn and crushing corn strawsimple structure, good versatility and strong adaptability, at present, straw fine crushing equipment widely used hammer type crushing structure This paper firstly introduces the The research progress of agricultural straw crushing machinery


    This paper aims to solve the problems of complex structure, poor straw crushing effect and high power consumption of existing straw returning machines A cutting and crushing device with 51 (2017) conformed studies on an integrated machine to pick up, crush and bury the corn straw in a 52 single operation As sstated in the field experiment, the straw picking up rate wasA combined machine for collecting and chopping rice straw2024年5月15日  As the main bearing part of the strawcrushing residual film recycling machine, the frame easily bears the extreme load generated by the system and the alternating load generated by other components when it works Optimization Design of StrawCrushing Residual Film The film surface straw cleaning device is responsible for the removal of vertical corn straw and ground covering beyond the film Although its stubble cutter roller obtuseangle Lshaped blades paired singlehelix arrangement is simple, it runs smoothly and Design and experiment of an uppersidedischarge straw

  • 3 Rows Corn Harvester 4 Rows Corn Cutter Taizy

    Similar to the tworow corn harvester, 3 rows and 4 rows both have functions of picking and collecting corn, peeling husk and crushing the corn stalk, and returning it into the field directly The three functions adapt to modern 2021年12月30日  Download Citation DEVELOPMENT AND TEST OF CORN STRAW KNEADING AND CONVEYING DEVICE Aiming at the low comprehensive utilization rate of corn straw resources, a straw kneading and cutting DEVELOPMENT AND TEST OF CORN STRAW KNEADING ANDThe large amount of surface straws in the notillage planting process results in dragging and piling and the ground temperature rises slowly Keywords: strip tillage, straw, crushing and deep burying, discrete element simulation Research on corn straw chopping and spreading machine design and dynamic characteristic of straw Design and Experiment of Straw Pickup Crushed and Deep 2023年11月1日  Rice is a major food crop globally However, it generates a large amount of straw as a byproduct, which poses challenges in terms of disposal (Fang et al, 2017) and has a low utilization rate (J Wang et al, 2017)The efficient utilization of straw resources has become the focus of extensive attention and research hotspots (Li et al, 2020)Mode and experiments of a straw ditchburying returning and

  • Design and experiment of an uppersidedischarge straw

    Keywords: corn, segmented combination, film surface straw cleaning, strawreturning, TPATSW type film lifting shovel, filmimpurities twice separation, semienclosed shaftless bundle film collector, selfunloading DOI: 1025165/jijabe7995 Citation: Liu X L, Zhao W Y, Zhang H, Wang G P, Sun W, Dai F, et al Design and experiment of an uppersidedischarge straw In order to improve the structure of soil layer, soil water storage, fertilizer use efficiency and increase in organic matter, and solve the problem of straw returning mode of rain fed land in Northeast China,we designed and manufactured 1JHL2 type returning corn straw machine, which mainly consisted of straw crushing device, conveying device, disk opener, spiral type Design and test of 1JHL2 type straw deep burying and returning machinePa ge 1/ 31 Development of a strip fertilization planter for rice straw crushing with backthrowing and interrowlaying Yinyan Shi ( @)laying straw crushing with backthrowing and interrow2010年2月3日  Machine output: 1200kg/h: Crushing efficiency: 300500kg/h: Number of blades: 3pcs: Flinging knives: How does Straw Cutting and Corn Grinding Machine Mill Grains? videos and photos etc After looking at this information, the Peruvian customer proposed some modifications to the machine (4 large wheels, Straw Cutter And Grain Grinder Combined Hay Cutter And Grain

  • Design and Experiment on Straw Pickupchopping and Ditch

    2017年7月25日  The highest efficiency of collecting rice straw was 98% at a forward speed of 13 km h À1 , elevator velocity of 110 m s À1 , and cutting knives speed of 2400 rpmMini corn harvester can complete the function of corn ear picking, husking and straw crushing in one row at a time The harvester Equipped with double collecting boxes, stubble height adjustable, small turning radius easy operationThe straw is crushed directly and return to field, the peeling performance is very cleanThis machine's capacity about 013 hectare per hourSingleRow Corn Harvester MultiFunctional Straw Crushing Machine2024年4月24日  DOI: 1035633/inmateh7252 Corpus ID: ; DESIGN AND EXPERIMENT ON CUTTING AND CRUSHING DEVICE OF SIDESWEEPING STRAW RETURNING MACHINE @article{Wang2024DESIGNAE, title={DESIGN AND EXPERIMENT ON CUTTING AND CRUSHING DEVICE OF SIDESWEEPING STRAW RETURNING DESIGN AND EXPERIMENT ON CUTTING AND CRUSHING DEVICE 2022年8月30日  The uncut portion of rice straw after harvest (the stubble); manual transplanting (A), and 223 direct seeding (B) 224 A combined machine for collecting and chopping rice straw

  • Design and Experiment of Secondary Throwing Device of Cotton Straw

    2022年1月11日  Crop straw is one of the main wastes in agricultural production; it contains nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and trace elements Crop straw resource in China is very rich, the current annual 2024年6月1日  Recovery coefficient of strawcrushing knife: 03: Static friction coefficient of strawcrushing knife: 03: Rolling friction coefficient of strawcrushing knife: 001: Recovery coefficient of strawstraw: 028: Static friction coefficient of strawstraw: 054: Rolling friction coefficient of strawstraw: 005: Normal stiffness of straw k n (N Straw movement and flow field in a crushing device based on PDF On Dec 31, 2023, Xiaolong Liu and others published Design and experiment of an uppersidedischarge strawreturning and bundle selfunloading integrated corn residual film recycling machine Design and experiment of an uppersidedischarge straw DEVELOPMENT AND TEST OF CORN STRAW KNEADING AND CONVEYING the speed of the blade shaft can be reduced while ensuring the effect of straw crushing and collecting and corn is grown in a large area (Ding N et al, 2021) Corn stalks are rich in nutrients, which can be used as animal feed or they can be returned to the field as plant DEVELOPMENT AND TEST OF CORN STRAW KNEADING AND

  • Corn Harvesting Collecting Machine Mini Maize Combine Corn

    Corn Harvesting Collecting Machine Mini Maize Combine Corn Harvesting Machine Backpack Corn Harvesting Machine Small Corn Harvester, picking corn, crushing straw and returning to the field, etc, almost the same function as the largescale corn harvester It is easy to install and disassemble Flexible operation, Design and experiment of an uppersidedischarge strawreturning and bundle selfunloading integrated corn residual film recycling machine Xiaolong Liu, Wuyun Zhao*, Hua Zhang, Guanping Wang, Wei Sun,Design and experiment of an uppersidedischarge straw This chaff cutting machine can equip a diesel engine or electric engine And circulating water cools the engine parts to ensure the life and durability of the engine This machine has a large capacity, which crushes 10 tons of various Chaff Cutter Machine for Cutting Grass, Straw, Corn fertility, avoid straw burning and relieve ecological pressure It is an important measure to achieve sustainable agricultural development In northeast China, there is a large amount of straw covering the ground after the corn machine harvest, which can Design and Test of the Clearing and Covering of a Minimum

  • Mini Corn Harvesting Machine Maize Picker Machine

    When in use, one person can push the machine forward to work, and the machine will automatically complete the work of crushing straw and collecting corn, 12piece alloy crushing blade; The corn harvesting machine model is small, flexible in operation, free to move, and less restricted by terrain;2021年12月30日  DOI: 1035633/inmateh6503 Corpus ID: ; DEVELOPMENT AND TEST OF CORN STRAW KNEADING AND CONVEYING DEVICE @article{Geng2021DEVELOPMENTAT, title={DEVELOPMENT AND TEST OF CORN STRAW KNEADING AND CONVEYING DEVICE}, author={Aijun Geng and Ang Gao and Yinuo Zhang DEVELOPMENT AND TEST OF CORN STRAW KNEADING AND 2017年10月15日  The 1JHL2 straw deep burying and returning machine was developed by Lin Jing et al; it collects two ridges of straw and buries them in a ditch in order to realize the alternate deep burying of Design and test of 1JHL2 type straw deep burying and returning machineDEVELOPMENT AND TEST OF CORN STRAW KNEADING AND CONVEYING the speed of the blade shaft can be reduced while ensuring the effect of straw crushing and collecting and corn is grown in a large area (Ding N et al, 2021) Corn stalks are rich in nutrients, which can be used as animal feed or they can be returned to the field as plant DEVELOPMENT AND TEST OF CORN STRAW KNEADING AND

  • The research progress of agricultural straw crushing machinery

    Key wordsagricultural straw, crushing, discussion,machinery, discussion,the development trend I Introduction Most of the straw materials need to be in front of the exploitation and utilization of appropriate treatment, such as crushing process only when the straw crushing grain size and meet certain requirements, to be preparedChaff Hay Straw Grass Cutter Grain Grinder Combined Machine Maize Corn Cobs Crushing Grinding +8613523063891 her Home; ABOUT US; UGT07 Corn Husking and Threshing Machine Driven by Tractor 24HP UGTL2 PTO Large Maize Husking and Threshing Machine Large Corn Threshing Line Maize Husking Threshing Cleaning Plant Chaff Hay Straw Grass Cutter Grain Grinder Combined Machine Maize Corn Advantages of this machine: 1: The model is small and adaptable, and it is used for sporadic plots where large corn harvesters cannot pass through, such as hilly and mountainous areas 2: Function, ear picking, boxing, straw crushing and returning to the field, etc, almost the same function as the large corn harvesterMicro Single Row Corn Harvester for Picking Corn, Packing and Crushing 2024年5月15日  As the main bearing part of the strawcrushing residual film recycling machine, the frame easily bears the extreme load generated by the system and the alternating load generated by other components when it works Optimization Design of StrawCrushing Residual Film

  • Design and experiment of an uppersidedischarge straw

    The film surface straw cleaning device is responsible for the removal of vertical corn straw and ground covering beyond the film Although its stubble cutter roller obtuseangle Lshaped blades paired singlehelix arrangement is simple, it runs smoothly and Similar to the tworow corn harvester, 3 rows and 4 rows both have functions of picking and collecting corn, peeling husk and crushing the corn stalk, and returning it into the field directly The three functions adapt to modern 3 Rows Corn Harvester 4 Rows Corn Cutter Taizy 2021年12月30日  Download Citation DEVELOPMENT AND TEST OF CORN STRAW KNEADING AND CONVEYING DEVICE Aiming at the low comprehensive utilization rate of corn straw resources, a straw kneading and cutting DEVELOPMENT AND TEST OF CORN STRAW KNEADING ANDThe large amount of surface straws in the notillage planting process results in dragging and piling and the ground temperature rises slowly Keywords: strip tillage, straw, crushing and deep burying, discrete element simulation Research on corn straw chopping and spreading machine design and dynamic characteristic of straw Design and Experiment of Straw Pickup Crushed and Deep

  • Mode and experiments of a straw ditchburying returning and

    2023年11月1日  Rice is a major food crop globally However, it generates a large amount of straw as a byproduct, which poses challenges in terms of disposal (Fang et al, 2017) and has a low utilization rate (J Wang et al, 2017)The efficient utilization of straw resources has become the focus of extensive attention and research hotspots (Li et al, 2020)Keywords: corn, segmented combination, film surface straw cleaning, strawreturning, TPATSW type film lifting shovel, filmimpurities twice separation, semienclosed shaftless bundle film collector, selfunloading DOI: 1025165/jijabe7995 Citation: Liu X L, Zhao W Y, Zhang H, Wang G P, Sun W, Dai F, et al Design and experiment of an uppersidedischarge straw Design and experiment of an uppersidedischarge straw In order to improve the structure of soil layer, soil water storage, fertilizer use efficiency and increase in organic matter, and solve the problem of straw returning mode of rain fed land in Northeast China,we designed and manufactured 1JHL2 type returning corn straw machine, which mainly consisted of straw crushing device, conveying device, disk opener, spiral type Design and test of 1JHL2 type straw deep burying and returning machinePa ge 1/ 31 Development of a strip fertilization planter for rice straw crushing with backthrowing and interrowlaying Yinyan Shi ( @)laying straw crushing with backthrowing and interrow

  • Straw Cutter And Grain Grinder Combined Hay Cutter And Grain

    2010年2月3日  Machine output: 1200kg/h: Crushing efficiency: 300500kg/h: Number of blades: 3pcs: Flinging knives: How does Straw Cutting and Corn Grinding Machine Mill Grains? videos and photos etc After looking at this information, the Peruvian customer proposed some modifications to the machine (4 large wheels,

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