Can coal gangue make lime

Influence of lime on the unconfined compressive strength of coal
In the present study, the UCS of coal gangue and its variation on addition of lime at different curing periods has been studied The effect of lime content and curing period clearly manifested with a significant increase in UCS of stabilised coal gangue2019年12月19日 In the present study, the UCS of coal gangue and its variation on addition of lime at different curing periods has been studied The effect of lime content and curing period Influence of Lime on the Unconfined Compressive Strength of 2021年5月4日 In the present study, the UCS of coal gangue and its variation on addition of lime at different curing periods has been studied The effect of lime content and curing period Influence of Lime on the Unconfined Compressive Strength of 2021年7月11日 In the presence of lime, the BCCG mixtures yielded better soaked and unsoaked CBR values, with 6L and 40CG outperforming all other combinations The TM, SM Influence of Lime and Coal Gangue on the CBR Behavior of

Mineralogical study of a binder based on alkaliactivated coal
2023年7月26日 This study specifically investigates the properties of alkaliactivated coal ganguelime (AACGL) using techniques such as Xray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform 2021年7月19日 In the presence of lime, the BCCG mixtures yielded better soaked and unsoaked CBR values, with 6L and 40CG outperforming all other combinations The TM, SM Influence of Lime and Coal Gangue on the CBR Semantic Scholar2019年12月1日 Coal mining and energy production have significant impacts on the environment, jeopardizing the sustainable use of coal as the primary energy (Ribeiro et al, 2016) Coal Comprehensive utilization and environmental risks of coal gangue: 2022年4月6日 Among coal miningrelated wastes, coal gangue (CG) is the heterogeneous waste generated during the mineral processing or coal washing phase of coal mining A The Sustainable Utilization of Coal Gangue in Geotechnical and

Opportunities, challenges and modification methods of coal
2024年9月7日 Coal gangue, a blackgray rock with lower carbon content and heat value compared to coal, accounts for about 15%20% of coal production (Li et al 2006) The Increment in UCS of lime stabilised coal gangue Combinations Unconfined Compressive Strength (kPa) Coal Gangue + 0% Lime 118 (x) Coal Gangue+2% Lime 770 (654x) Coal Gangue+4% Lime 1041 (883x) Coal Gangue+6% Lime 1300 (1102x) 31 Effect of lime content The UCS of the lime stabilised coal gangue is shown in figure 1 From the figure, itInfluence of lime on the unconfined compressive strength of coal gangueCalcined coal gangue can achieve the same activity as SCCG, pure nonspontaneous coal gangue and coal gangue with additions of 10% lime and 5% desulfurization gypsum were separately groundCoal Gangue via Increasing Calcium Content ResearchGate2024年3月15日 The generation and accumulation of coal gangue (CG) and coal slime (CS) are a serious cause of environmental pollution The copyrolysis of CG/CS and pine sawdust (PS) is an effective method to reduce pollution and waste generation In this work, the copyrolysis characteristics of CG/CS and PS were analyzed by the thermogravimetric analyzer and fixed Nonisothermal and isothermal copyrolysis characteristics of coal

Mechanical properties and micro characterization of coal slime
2023年12月8日 Coal is an important type of energy resource Despite the rapid development of clean energy in recent years, coal resources cannot be replaced in ensuring stable energy supply [1]However, the process of coal production is often accompanied by generation of solid waste, and the production of coal gangue (CG) is about 15 %20 % of that of coal, which becomes 2024年9月7日 The persistent reliance on coal has resulted in the accumulation of substantial coal gangue, a globally recognized problematic solid waste with environmental risks Given the coal gangue properties and global land degradation severity, the resourceful utilization of coal gangue as soil conditioners is believed to be a universally applicable, costeffective, high Opportunities, challenges and modification methods of coal gangue 2023年11月6日 Traditional Coal Gangue Separation Process and Equipment Water washing and dry coal preparation are the main parts of coal preparation Spiral separation, jigging, heavy medium separation, and other processes are water washing processes, which have the advantages of mature technology, high separation accuracy, and large processing capacity Full article: A review of intelligent coal gangue separation 2021年7月11日 For each combination, the BC soil is dry mixed (before saturation) with lime and coal gangue based on its observed MDD values In order to avoid the influence of moisture fluctuations on the CBR behavior, fixed optimum moisture content of 21% (OMC of BC soil) was employed for all the combinationsInfluence of Lime and Coal Gangue on the CBR Behavior of

Lowcarbon utilization of coal gangue under the carbon
2023年5月25日 Coal gangue, produced during coal mining and processing [1, 2], is one of the most extensively produced solid wastes in China [1, 3], accounting for approximately 10%‒20% of raw coal production []The accumulation of coal gangue causes serious environmental, social, and economic problems in the coal mining area []Heavy metals and harmful organic substances in 2021年5月4日 Coal gangue with reactive silica can produce more cementitious compounds on reaction with lime addition as it increases the hydroxyl ion supply for the hydration of coal gangue [15,16,17] Moreover, the rate of gain in UCS value with curing period for limestabilized coal gangue is low at the beginning but it increases with increase in curing periodInfluence of Lime on the Unconfined Compressive Strength of Cnoal Gangue2024年11月1日 Using coal gangue as subgrade filler (CGSF) can address the accumulated issues of coal mine waste, but also save the constructing costs, which has the important ecological and engineering Investigating the compaction and the mechanical behaviors of coal 2022年9月1日 Coal plays an important role in the energy sector and has driven social development in China for decades However, a large amount of slime water and coal gangue are inevitably produced in the process of coal mining and washing, resulting in serious problems regarding environmental pollution and resources waste, including water pollution, spontaneous Microstructure and mechanical behaviors of coal gangue Coal

Mechanism and In Situ Prevention of Oxidation in Coal Gangue
2024年8月22日 The acid pollution produced from coal gangue piles is a global environmental problem Terminal technologies, such as neutralization, precipitation, adsorption, ion exchange, membrane technology, biological treatment, and electrochemistry, have been developed for acid mine drainage (AMD) treatment These technologies for treating pollutants with low 2023年12月1日 Coal gangue, the primary solid waste generated during the coal mining process, is typically disposed of on the surface, where it gradually accumulates to form gangue piles that significantly Expand PDF Save Safe and environmentally friendly use of Mechanical properties and micro characterization of coal slime 2024年3月15日 1 Introduction Over the recent years, the increase in solid waste generated by the coal industry has attracted considerable attention [1]Coal gangue (CG) is a typical industrial solid waste product, whose annual growth rate is 270–350 million tons, and the total accumulated amount of CG in China is more than 5 billion tons [2]In China, most of the coal used in Nonisothermal and isothermal copyrolysis characteristics of coal 2023年2月20日 Many studies have focused on the treatment of slime water, and the preparation of coal water slurry is its mainstream utilization path However, this method requires a long process flow, as shown in Fig 1 (c) In step I, additives need to be used for the separation of coal slime and water, and then slime needs to be processed further to acquire satisfactory New insights into coal slime water in backfill materials: A

Coal and Gangue Classification Based on LaserInduced
2023年12月8日 As depicted in Figure 1, two main methods can be employed for classifying coal and gangue: manual classification and automatic classificationIn manual classification, the operators primarily sort coal and gangue based on color and other visual characteristics The working conditions for manual classification are generally more strenuous and demanding, 2019年3月29日 Separating coal and gangue can improve coal quality, save energy, and reduce consumption and make rational use of resources The separated gangue can also be reusedSeparation of gangue from coal based on supplementary2015年1月1日 It is a resource that can be used, but the traditional ways of utilization are relatively simple, and the added value is not as high as when it is used to make brick, to pave roads, or make cement (PDF) Recycling of Moroccan coal gangue in the elaboration of 2020年1月14日 D(q) can only characterize the multifractal characteristics of the gangue particle size distribution as a whole In order to further reveal the waste rock particle size distribution, indepth Characterization Studies on Coal Gangue for Sustainable Geotechnics

Influence of coal gangue aided phytostabilization on metal
2020年1月21日 In recent years, the solid wastes from coal industry have been widely used as soil conditioners, such as fly ash and coal gangue The addition of coal gangue can increase pH, organic matter 2012年7月2日 This paper provides an overview on the current status of power generation in China using coal gangue The government regulation towards the use of coal gangue for power generation is introduced(PDF) Power Generation from Coal Gangue in China2021年10月13日 When burning bricks, using the combustibles of coal gangue itself can save coal Coal gangue sintered hollow brick refers to a brick with vertical holes (the hole ratio is not less than 25%, the size of the holes is small and the number is large) with shale, coal gangue or fly ash as the main raw material and roasted 4 Coal gangue can How To Effectively Use Coal Gangue?2021年11月12日 To reduce the influence of material particle size on coal gangue identification, a particle size identification method, and an adaptive image enhancement method are proposed, which can accurately An Image Preprocessing Model of Coal and Gangue in

Road performance analysis of cement stabilized coal gangue mixture
2021年11月30日 Incomplete data indicate that coal gangue is accumulated in China, with over 2000 gangue hills covering an area exceeding 200,000 mu and an annual growth rate surpassing 800 million tons2021年11月1日 The results show that coal gangue powder reduces the crack area ratio of expansive soil by 489%, and the crack initiation time is delayed by at least 60 min Coal gangue powder can increase the (PDF) Study on Crack Development and MicroPore2020年6月26日 Coal gangue piles accumulate outside mines and can persist for years, negatively impacting the regional environment To determine the main cause of soil pollution at coal gangues, several coal Excess sulfur and Fe elements drive changes in soil and Nature2023年6月15日 The enrichment ratio of −0045 mm coal + gangue mixture is 187, which is between that of coal and gangue components For other coarse size intervals (>0045 mm) of coal, gangue, and coal+gangue mixture, the enrichment ratios are close to zero, which means the overflow product basically contains no coarse particlesStudy on the separation mechanism of coal and gangue particles

Underground Disposal of Coal Gangue Backfill in China MDPI
2022年11月25日 China’s total coal production in 2021 exceeded 413 billion tons, 52% of the world’s total Coal gangue, a solid waste of coal mining accounts for 15–20% of coal production, when directly discharged on the ground surface as waste heaps, it occupies large areas of land and cause environmental pollution This paper summarizes the existing gangue backfilling 2024年2月1日 Coal is not only the most abundant fossil fuel on earth, but also an indispensable energy source in the industrial age According to the data of “2021 National Mineral Resources Reserve Statistics Table”, the cities with the most coal reserves in China's energy minerals are Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, Shanxi, Hebei, Chongqing, Gansu, Shaanxi and other regionsRepresentative coal gangue in China: Physical and chemical 2019年12月19日 The bulk and 6 effective utilization of coal gangue can be attained by There is a considerable increase in unconfined compressive strength and CBR values up to 25 % lime which can be taken as Influence of Lime on the Unconfined Compressive Strength of Cnoal GangueIncrement in UCS of lime stabilised coal gangue Combinations Unconfined Compressive Strength (kPa) Coal Gangue + 0% Lime 118 (x) Coal Gangue+2% Lime 770 (654x) Coal Gangue+4% Lime 1041 (883x) Coal Gangue+6% Lime 1300 (1102x) 31 Effect of lime content The UCS of the lime stabilised coal gangue is shown in figure 1 From the figure, itInfluence of lime on the unconfined compressive strength of coal gangue

Coal Gangue via Increasing Calcium Content ResearchGate
Calcined coal gangue can achieve the same activity as SCCG, pure nonspontaneous coal gangue and coal gangue with additions of 10% lime and 5% desulfurization gypsum were separately ground2024年3月15日 The generation and accumulation of coal gangue (CG) and coal slime (CS) are a serious cause of environmental pollution The copyrolysis of CG/CS and pine sawdust (PS) is an effective method to reduce pollution and waste generation In this work, the copyrolysis characteristics of CG/CS and PS were analyzed by the thermogravimetric analyzer and fixed Nonisothermal and isothermal copyrolysis characteristics of coal 2023年12月8日 Coal is an important type of energy resource Despite the rapid development of clean energy in recent years, coal resources cannot be replaced in ensuring stable energy supply [1]However, the process of coal production is often accompanied by generation of solid waste, and the production of coal gangue (CG) is about 15 %20 % of that of coal, which becomes Mechanical properties and micro characterization of coal slime 2024年9月7日 The persistent reliance on coal has resulted in the accumulation of substantial coal gangue, a globally recognized problematic solid waste with environmental risks Given the coal gangue properties and global land degradation severity, the resourceful utilization of coal gangue as soil conditioners is believed to be a universally applicable, costeffective, high Opportunities, challenges and modification methods of coal gangue

Full article: A review of intelligent coal gangue separation
2023年11月6日 Traditional Coal Gangue Separation Process and Equipment Water washing and dry coal preparation are the main parts of coal preparation Spiral separation, jigging, heavy medium separation, and other processes are water washing processes, which have the advantages of mature technology, high separation accuracy, and large processing capacity 2021年7月11日 For each combination, the BC soil is dry mixed (before saturation) with lime and coal gangue based on its observed MDD values In order to avoid the influence of moisture fluctuations on the CBR behavior, fixed optimum moisture content of 21% (OMC of BC soil) was employed for all the combinationsInfluence of Lime and Coal Gangue on the CBR Behavior of2023年5月25日 Coal gangue, produced during coal mining and processing [1, 2], is one of the most extensively produced solid wastes in China [1, 3], accounting for approximately 10%‒20% of raw coal production []The accumulation of coal gangue causes serious environmental, social, and economic problems in the coal mining area []Heavy metals and harmful organic substances in Lowcarbon utilization of coal gangue under the carbon 2021年5月4日 Coal gangue with reactive silica can produce more cementitious compounds on reaction with lime addition as it increases the hydroxyl ion supply for the hydration of coal gangue [15,16,17] Moreover, the rate of gain in UCS value with curing period for limestabilized coal gangue is low at the beginning but it increases with increase in curing periodInfluence of Lime on the Unconfined Compressive Strength of Cnoal Gangue

Investigating the compaction and the mechanical behaviors of coal
2024年11月1日 Using coal gangue as subgrade filler (CGSF) can address the accumulated issues of coal mine waste, but also save the constructing costs, which has the important ecological and engineering