Coal gangue ceramic sand

Representative coal gangue in China: Physical and chemical
2024年2月1日 Based on the source and distribution of coal gangue (CG) in China, this study introduces the current situation of CG storage in China and the problems existing in the 2023年2月14日 Coal gangue (CG), which is mainly generated during coal excavation, mining, and coal washing, is an industrial solid waste that is recognized as an environmental pollutant The everincreasing amount of CG Fabrication and application of porous materials made 2015年9月26日 Glass–ceramic foams were fabricated at a relatively low temperature by incorporating coal gangue, waste quartz sand and sintering additives in different proportions Preparation and characterization of glass–ceramic foams with 2024年11月21日 In this experiment, we successfully prepared ceramic foams using a compositional design that consists entirely of three solid wastes: coal gangue, fly ash, and Sustainable use of coal gangue and other wastes in lightweight

Sintering behaviour and characterisation of lowcost ceramic
2016年4月6日 New ceramic foams have been successfully synthesised with coal gangue and waste quartz sand, which supply a feasible way to recycle these hazardous solid wastes An 2022年9月30日 Using coal gangue (CG) as a building material does not only reduce the disposal of industrial waste and promote the resource utilization of solid waste, but also solves the Preparation of coal gangue ceramsite highstrength concrete and 2023年5月3日 Foamed ceramics were prepared by the water spray granulation and post particle stacking method using coal gangue as the main raw material The effects of raw material Basic principle, progress, and prospects of coal gangue ceramic Glass–ceramic foams were fabricated at a relatively low temperature by incorporating coal gangue, waste quartz sand and sintering additives in different proportionsPreparation and characterization of glass ceramic foams with

Basic principle, progress, and prospects of coal gangue ceramic
2023年5月3日 Coal gangue is a solid waste that is rich in SiO 2 and Al 2 O 3, making it a potential substitute for the preparation of ceramic proppants The use of coal gangue to 2023年5月3日 [14][15][16] The coal gangue is rich in SiO 2 and Al 2 O 3 resources, which can be used to produce foamed ceramics by adding foaming agents instead of clay and other lowresource ceramic raw Basic principle, progress, and prospects of coal gangue ceramic 2024年9月1日 Coal gangue was a byproduct which was generated during the mining and washing of coal It accounted for approximately 10%–15% of the total coal production [5]Coal gangue was one of the largest industrial residues, and its accumulation was related to coal mining activities [6, 7]Traditional methods of handling coal gangue usually involved backfilling and Preparation of coal gangue based foamed ceramics with SiC as 2024年5月15日 Solid wastebased lightweight glass ceramics aroused a great deal of attention with the introduction of green building materials This material demonstrated high performance while alleviating the pressure of waste accumulation Lightweight glass ceramic was fabricated from phosphorus tailings and coal gangue as raw materials in this workProduction of highvalueadded lightweight glass ceramics based

Preparation of coal gangue based foamed ceramics with SiC as
2024年9月1日 In this study, coal gangue based foamed ceramics (CGFC) were successfully prepared using coal gangue and silicon carbide as raw materials through the hightemperature foaming method The effects of SiC addition amount, sintering temperature, and sintering time on the crystalline phase composition, 2019年9月17日 With coal gangue and high alumina refractory solid wastes as raw materials, needlelike mullite powder, with an average diameter of about 1 μm, was synthesized at 1300°C by using the conventional solidstate reaction method Mullite ceramics were derived from the inexpensive needlelike powderSynthesis and mechanical properties of mullite ceramics with coal 2024年2月1日 Representative coal gangue in China: Physical and chemical properties, Wang et al, 2022b) have successfully prepared multiphase ceramic materials using CG as the main raw material, respectively, and demonstrating better performance than traditional foamed ceramics Sand (kg) 793: 793: Fly ash (kg) 53: 53: Ore powder (kg) 71: Representative coal gangue in China: Physical and chemical The effect of impurities in coal gangue on the sintering and properties (porosity and compressive strength) of porous cordierite ceramics has been investigated by adjusting the amount of impurities by controlling the acid–gangue ratio during acid leaching The sintering behavior and microstructure of the porous ceramics have been characterized via Xray diffractometry and Preparation of porous cordierite ceramic with acidleached coal gangue

Glassceramics fabricated by efficiently utilizing coal gangue
2020年3月17日 2 Experimental methods Coal gangue as a main raw material was first used Adding clay aimed to increase the content of Al 2 O 3 and to enhance slurry formability TiO 2, ZnO, Fe 2 O 3, MnO 2, BaCO 3, MgCO 3, and dolomite were used as mineralizersThe sodium tripolyphosphate (STPP) and methyl cellulose (CMC) as a water reducer was utilized to 2020年3月17日 Glassceramics with high strength and lightweight were developed by comprehensively utilizing coal gangue and clay This work optimized the many processing parameters including the rate of using Glassceramics fabricated by efficiently utilizing coal gangue2012年1月25日 Highlights Up to 70% coal gangue was used as the staring material of glass ceramics The prepared CaO–Al 2 O 3 –SiO 2 glass ceramics has a crystal size of about 4 μm The glass ceramics has crystalline gehlenite (Ca 2 Al 2 SiO 7) as the major phase The glass ceramics shows better properties than natural marbles and granites The glass ceramics Preparation of CaO–Al2O3–SiO2 glass ceramics from coal gangue2024年1月3日 Foamed ceramics were prepared by the water spray granulation and post particle stacking method using coal gangue as the main raw material The effects of raw material weight ratio (ie, raw material composition by Coal gangue‐based ceramics foams by water spray

Preparation of environmentally friendly low‐cost mullite porous
2021年4月19日 There have been reports on the preparation of mullite porous ceramics from coal gangue [16,17,18,19,20,21] However, coal gangue only occupies 50–80 wt% of raw materials Coalbased waste cannot be quickly consumed Lü et al used gangue to prepared porous mullite ceramics with high mechanical properties by insitu synthesis method Glassceramics with high strength and lightweight were developed by comprehensively utilizing coal gangue and clay This work optimized the many processing parameters including the rate of using coal gangue, coal gangue to clay ratio, mineralizers, and process of forming and sinteringGlassceramics fabricated by efficiently utilizing coal gangue2024年1月3日 Foamed ceramics were prepared by the water spray granulation and post particle stacking method using coal gangue as the main raw material The effects of raw material weight ratio (ie, raw material composition by varying the content of dolomite and talc), calcination temperature, time, and heating rate on the pore structure and properties of the samples were Coal gangue‐based ceramics foams by water spray granulation 2019年9月17日 Coal gangue is used to prepare flake nanomullite with a molten salt method In order to increase the utilization value, corundum composite ceramics were prepared from the nanomullite and aluminaSynthesis and Mechanical Properties of Mullite Ceramics with Coal

Sintering behaviour and characterisation of lowcost ceramic
2016年4月6日 New ceramic foams have been successfully synthesised with coal gangue and waste quartz sand, which supply a feasible way to recycle these hazardous solid wastes An objective of this research was to investigate the sintering behaviour and effects of sintering conditions on the crystalline phase change, microstructure and main properties of final ceramic 2023年8月2日 The presence of lead in wastewater poses a significant threat to human health To address this issue, coal ganguebased porous ceramics (CGPC) were developed to remove Pb2+ in wastewater(PDF) Preparation of Coal GangueBased Porous Ceramics and Its 2023年6月17日 Fabrication of ceramic materials with interconnected pores is necessary to improve thermal energy storage efficiency in hightemperature infiltration technology In the present study, industrial wastes such as coal gangue, steel slag, etc, were selected as the raw materials to prepare ceramics with interconnected poresPorous ceramics derived from steel slag/coal gangue mixtures 2021年1月1日 Xu et al [17] used coal gangue, coal slime, and coconut palm fibers as raw materials to fabricate porous ceramics with a porosity of 66930%, volume density of 1033 gcm −3 , compressive Constructing Straight Pores and Improving Mechanical

Glassceramics fabricated by efficiently utilizing coal gangue
2020年3月17日 ABSTRACT Glassceramics with high strength and lightweight were developed by comprehensively utilizing coal gangue and clay This work optimized the many processing parameters including the rate of using coal gangue, coal gangue to clay ratio, mineralizers, and process of forming and sintering Using coal gangue of 75% and coal gangue to clay ratio of For comprehensive utilization of solid wastes, the CaOMgOAl 2 O 3SiO 2 glassceramics have excellent mechanical properties were prepared the glassceramics were prepared with coal gangue and iron ore tailings by a modified Effects of Heat Treatment System on Mechanical 2022年8月25日 The SiO 2 Al 2 O 3 CaO system glassceramics were prepared by direct sintering method with coal measure solid wastecoal gangue as the main raw material, supplemented by a certain amount of CaO The effects of heat treatment on the physical and chemical properties of SiO 2 Al 2 O 3CaO glassceramics, such as phase Preparation of Coal Gangue Glassceramics by Direct Sintering2024年1月3日 Foamed ceramics were prepared by the water spray granulation and post particle stacking method using coal gangue as the main raw material The effects of raw material weight ratio (ie, raw material composition by varying the content of dolomite and talc), calcination temperature, time, and heating rate on the pore structure and properties of the samples were Coal gangue‐based ceramics foams by water spray granulation

Fabrication and application of porous materials made from coal gangue
2023年2月14日 Coal gangue (CG), which is mainly generated during coal excavation, mining, and coal washing, is an industrial solid waste that is recognized as an environmental pollutant The everincreasing amount of CG produced is a serious threat to the ecological environment and property safety, especially in China, which is the largest coal producer and consumer in the 2024年1月24日 This article uses coal gangue and loess as the main raw material (coal gangue:loess = 8:2), calcium carbonate as the poreforming agent, and carboxymethyl cellulose as the binder The ceramic membrane was prepared by extrusion molding method and solid particle sintering methodPreparation and application of microfiltration porous coal gangue 2024年3月13日 Preparation of hydroxylfunctionalized coal ganguebased cordierite porous ceramics sheet (ACGCFe) We first vacuumimpregnated ACGC and polyhydroxy iron solution (see the ESI 26 for the preparation method) at a temperature of 60 °C for 2 hours This process was carried out by maintaining a solid–liquid ratio of 1: 2 Subsequently, we eliminated any Portable hydroxylfunctionalized coal ganguebased cordierite 2024年5月27日 Herein, we report a novel coal ganguebased multiphase porous ceramic as an efficient and economic adsorbent for remove heavy metal cations Due to the highly designed porous structure derived from the effect of poreforming agents, the coal ganguebased multiphase porous ceramic adsorbent shows remarkable performance of the removal of Cu 2+ Frontiers Adsorption of Ni 2+ , Cu 2+ and Co 2+ ions on coal gangue

Constructing Straight Pores and Improving Mechanical Properties
2021年6月19日 The research object used for modelling was coal gangue porous ceramic with an overall size of 400 μm × 400 μm × 400 μm The ceramic comprised a variety of pore types, including Properties and poreforming mechanism of silica sand tailingsteel slagcoal gangue based permeable ceramics Construction and Building Materials, 年4月6日 3) Coal gangue: Li et al [6, 7] found that a glass ceramic foam material prepared by using coal gangue and quartz sand has controlled pore structure and properties through adjusting the Sintering behaviour and characterisation of lowcost ceramic 2020年3月19日 The effect of impurities in coal gangue on the sintering and properties (porosity and compressive strength) of porous cordierite ceramics has been investigated by adjusting the amount of impurities by controlling the acid–gangue ratio during acid leaching The sintering behavior and microstructure of the porous ceramics have been characterized via Xray Preparation of porous cordierite ceramic with acidleached coal gangue2023年5月3日 [14][15][16] The coal gangue is rich in SiO 2 and Al 2 O 3 resources, which can be used to produce foamed ceramics by adding foaming agents instead of clay and other lowresource ceramic raw Basic principle, progress, and prospects of coal gangue ceramic

Preparation of coal gangue based foamed ceramics with SiC as
2024年9月1日 Coal gangue was a byproduct which was generated during the mining and washing of coal It accounted for approximately 10%–15% of the total coal production [5]Coal gangue was one of the largest industrial residues, and its accumulation was related to coal mining activities [6, 7]Traditional methods of handling coal gangue usually involved backfilling and 2024年5月15日 Solid wastebased lightweight glass ceramics aroused a great deal of attention with the introduction of green building materials This material demonstrated high performance while alleviating the pressure of waste accumulation Lightweight glass ceramic was fabricated from phosphorus tailings and coal gangue as raw materials in this workProduction of highvalueadded lightweight glass ceramics based 2024年9月1日 In this study, coal gangue based foamed ceramics (CGFC) were successfully prepared using coal gangue and silicon carbide as raw materials through the hightemperature foaming method The effects of SiC addition amount, sintering temperature, and sintering time on the crystalline phase composition, Preparation of coal gangue based foamed ceramics with SiC as 2019年9月17日 With coal gangue and high alumina refractory solid wastes as raw materials, needlelike mullite powder, with an average diameter of about 1 μm, was synthesized at 1300°C by using the conventional solidstate reaction method Mullite ceramics were derived from the inexpensive needlelike powderSynthesis and mechanical properties of mullite ceramics with coal

Representative coal gangue in China: Physical and chemical
2024年2月1日 Representative coal gangue in China: Physical and chemical properties, Wang et al, 2022b) have successfully prepared multiphase ceramic materials using CG as the main raw material, respectively, and demonstrating better performance than traditional foamed ceramics Sand (kg) 793: 793: Fly ash (kg) 53: 53: Ore powder (kg) 71: The effect of impurities in coal gangue on the sintering and properties (porosity and compressive strength) of porous cordierite ceramics has been investigated by adjusting the amount of impurities by controlling the acid–gangue ratio during acid leaching The sintering behavior and microstructure of the porous ceramics have been characterized via Xray diffractometry and Preparation of porous cordierite ceramic with acidleached coal gangue 2020年3月17日 2 Experimental methods Coal gangue as a main raw material was first used Adding clay aimed to increase the content of Al 2 O 3 and to enhance slurry formability TiO 2, ZnO, Fe 2 O 3, MnO 2, BaCO 3, MgCO 3, and dolomite were used as mineralizersThe sodium tripolyphosphate (STPP) and methyl cellulose (CMC) as a water reducer was utilized to Glassceramics fabricated by efficiently utilizing coal gangue2020年3月17日 Glassceramics with high strength and lightweight were developed by comprehensively utilizing coal gangue and clay This work optimized the many processing parameters including the rate of using Glassceramics fabricated by efficiently utilizing coal gangue

Preparation of CaO–Al2O3–SiO2 glass ceramics from coal gangue
2012年1月25日 Highlights Up to 70% coal gangue was used as the staring material of glass ceramics The prepared CaO–Al 2 O 3 –SiO 2 glass ceramics has a crystal size of about 4 μm The glass ceramics has crystalline gehlenite (Ca 2 Al 2 SiO 7) as the major phase The glass ceramics shows better properties than natural marbles and granites The glass ceramics