Sulfur content of coal gangue

Estimate of sulfur, arsenic, mercury, fluorine emissions due to
2016年2月1日 To attain a better understanding of the emission of sulfur, arsenic, mercury, and fluoride due to spontaneous combustion of coal gangue, we collected representative coal According to Table 1, the sulfur content in four kinds of coal gangues was Coal Gangue 4 > Coal Gangue 1 > Coal Gangue 3 > Coal Gangue 2 In addition, Coal Gangue 2 released more sulfate thanChemical composition of Coal Gangue 14 (%)2024年2月1日 Based on the source and distribution of coal gangue (CG) in China, this study introduces the current situation of CG storage in China and the problems existing in the Representative coal gangue in China: Physical and chemical 2020年6月26日 The results suggested that coal gangue significantly influences soil S, pH and plant species after 8 years of natural recovery The CKfar plots contained relatively low soil Excess sulfur and Fe elements drive changes in soil and Nature

Cocombustion and emission characteristics of coal gangue and
2015年2月18日 Both coal and coal gangue contain sulfur and nitrogen, which result in sulfur dioxide (SO 2) and nitric oxides (NO x) emissions [16, 17] The emission behavior of the 2023年5月25日 Hou analyzed the spontaneous combustion theory and tendency of coal gangue and found that the internal threshold conditions for the spontaneous combustion tendency of coal gangue backfill is a total sulfur Lowcarbon utilization of coal gangue under the 2024年9月7日 Coal gangue possesses developed pores and specific surface area, thereby aiding soil aeration and preventing compaction (Zhang et al 2022a) The organic carbon Opportunities, challenges and modification methods of coal 2024年8月10日 Coal gangue (CG) is a solid waste generated during coal mining, washing and processing, accounting for 15–20% of coal production It is considered one of the largest Simultaneous nutrients activation and pollutants removal of coal

Study on the factors affecting the deep reduction of coal gangue
2021年3月15日 Study on the factors affecting the deep reduction of coal gangue containing high contents of iron and sulfur Author links open overlay panel Hongyu Zhao 1, Yanli Chen 1, Xuqin Duan Show Additionally, CG is not suitable for use as a fuel, and its high sulfur content will cause great pollution to the environment during its 2021年3月11日 The conclusions are as follows: higher heavy metal content in lowsulfur coal gangue is associated with greater, leaching of heavy metals; Characteristics of leaching of heavy metals from low content in lowsulfur coal gangue is associated with greater, leaching of heavy metals; acidic conditions promote the release of heavy metals in lowsulfur coal gangue; Characteristics of leaching of heavy metals from lowsulfur coal gangue 2021年3月11日 Coal gangue is the main pollution source of mining areas When coal gangue is stacked and recycled, the heavy metal elements contained in it are released by natural weathering and leaching, which causes damage to the surrounding ecological environment In this study, the leaching and precipitation characteristics of heavy metals in lowsulfur coal gangue Characteristics of leaching of heavy metals from lowsulfur coal gangue

Influence of carbonateinducing bacteria on ScienceDirect
2024年8月30日 Medium and high sulfur coal gangue (MHSCG) presents challenges for safe application on civil engineering building materials due to the high content of unstable pyrite, of which the acidic oxidation products are against alkali cementitious materialsFor better utilization of MHSCG, in this research, the carbonateinducing bacterium Sporosarcina Pasteurii with its 2018年2月26日 Batch experiments were conducted to comparatively evaluate the inhibition effects and mechanisms of a lowconcentration (1%) proline solution cover on the release of pollutants from highsulfur coal gangue Highsulfur coal gangue was continuously immersed in a proline solution and in deionized water (as a control treatment) for 540 days The results Effects of a proline solution cover on the geochemical and 2024年5月1日 Coal gangue contains a substantial amount of carbonaceous shale and siltstone and is rich in trace elements essential for plant growth The nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and silicon contents in coal gangue are comparable to those found in soil Furthermore, the organic matter content in coal gangue is 2–10 times higher than that in soilEnhancing the carbon content of coal gangue for composting 2024年8月10日 The sulfur content of raw CG was 1581 g/kg, Release characteristics of heavy metals in highsulfur coal gangue: Influencing factors and kinetic behavior Environ Res, 217 (2023), Article , 101016/jenvres2022 View PDF View article View in Scopus Google ScholarSimultaneous nutrients activation and pollutants removal of coal gangue

(PDF) Power Generation from Coal Gangue in China
2012年7月2日 This paper provides an overview on the current status of power generation in China using coal gangue The government regulation towards the use of coal gangue for power generation is introduced2021年3月15日 Coal gangue with a sulfur content >2 % (w/w) is commonly referred to as highsulfur coal gangue and is a vital sulfur deposit in nature (Zhao et al, 2021) After the Industrial Revolution, human mining activities resulted in the destruction of the rock structures of coal mining areas, Study on the factors affecting the deep reduction of coal gangue 2021年7月7日 A certain amount of research has been conducted on the geochemical characteristics of heavy metals in coal gangue at home and abroad Jinkai Zhang et al found that under dynamic leaching conditions, the leaching characteristics of heavy metals in coal gangue are related to the content and occurrence of elements in the gangue, and the heavy metals in Explanation of heavy metal pollution in coal mines of china from Abstract: A cultivating indoor experiment was conducted to study the effect of highsulfur coal gangue on chemical indices (pH, EC, ESP and exchangeable Na+ ) of sodasaline soil, four kinds of fineness and four kinds of applying rates were used The results showed that 70 mesh highsulfur coal gangue had the best effect, the pH value decreased by 666%, 1120%, 1467% Improving Effect of Highsulfur Coal Gangue on Sodasaline Soil

Prediction of density and sulfur content level of high‑sulfur coal
2022年7月1日 The density distribution of coal is important to improve the efficiency of the coal preparation process, and the sulfur content of coal is significant to control pollution from coal burning To estimate the density and sulfur content level of high‑sulfur coal, a novel approach based on image processing and the support vector machine optimized by Grey wolf 2024年2月1日 Coal is not only the most abundant fossil fuel on earth, but also an indispensable energy source in the industrial age According to the data of “2021 National Mineral Resources Reserve Statistics Table”, the cities with the most coal reserves in China's energy minerals are Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, Shanxi, Hebei, Chongqing, Gansu, Shaanxi and other regionsRepresentative coal gangue in China: Physical and chemical 2017年12月20日 Coal gangue is one of the largest industrial residues It has high ash content, low carbonaceous content, and heating value Meanwhile, it has some trace elements Large quantities of coal gangue cause serious environmental problems by polluting the air, water, and soil as well as occupying a tremendous amount of land Now, coal gangue utilization is a Trace Elements in Coal Gangue: A Review IntechOpen2024年3月1日 Coal gangue is a solid waste generated during coal mining and washing, accounting for 15–30% of raw coal production (Li and Wang, 2019)Coal gangue with a sulfur content of more than 2% is referred to as highsulfur gangue (Wang et al, 2023a, Wang et al, 2023b)Highsulfur gangue is highly polluting because of its high concentration of iron sulfide Effects of Setaria viridis on heavy metal enrichment tolerance and

Sulfur content tester for coal, coke, gangue Civil engineering
Model: MJDL5 Introduction This tester is used to determine the sulfur content in combustibles such as coal, coke and gangue It is the main instrument in the laboratories of coal, electric power, chemical industry, metallurgy and other departments Features with function of split sulfur Nice appearance With friendly humanmachine interface, easy keyboard operation Adopts2024年7月19日 The occurrence of gallium in galliumenriched coal gangue and the migration of gallium during thermal treatment were systematically studied The phase and chemical composition of galliumenriched coal gangue were determined, and the gallium content was determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICPMS) The mineralogical Study on the Occurrence of Gallium in GalliumEnriched Coal Gangue 2020年1月23日 Therefore, theoretically speaking, except for the sulfur content of coal, the outlet SO 2 concentration of CFB boiler will be affected by a series of parameters such as alkaline/ earthalkaline (PDF) Sulfur Conversion of Mixed Coal and Gangue during2023年1月15日 Coal gangue (HSCG) is the darkgray rock produced during coal mining and washing process, and its production is about 10%–15% of coal mining, which depends on the geology and mining conditions (Zhu et al, 2020; Bai et al, 2022)Due to the utilization of coal resources in the world lead to the accumulation of HSCG also increased year by year (Zhang Release characteristics of heavy metals in highsulfur coal gangue

Estimate of sulfur, arsenic, mercury, fluorine emissions due to
DOI: 101016/jenvpol201511026 Corpus ID: ; Estimate of sulfur, arsenic, mercury, fluorine emissions due to spontaneous combustion of coal gangue: An important part of Chinese emission inventories2023年2月15日 In this study, the effects of different copyrolysis ways (direct mixed copyrolysis and indirect layerseparated copyrolysis) on sulfur transformation behavior of Yangquan raw, deashed and depyrited coals were investigated during their copyrolysis with biomass (corncob) in Ar and CO2 atmospheres Under the same pyrolysis way, the desulfurization ratios of these Effects of different copyrolysis ways on sulfur transformation of 2020年1月23日 The sulfur content of coal gangue is within 1–3%, which is classified as mediumhigh sulfur coal Its output accounts for about 10–20% of the raw coal output [ 3 ] Generally, gangue with a calorific value higher than 1200 Sulfur Conversion of Mixed Coal and Gangue during 2024年3月13日 Coal gangue (CG), an industrial solid waste with high contents of Li and Ga, has attracted the attention of researchers However, the utilization of CG remains an economic challenge Preenrichment of Li and Ga by flotation was carried out with a view to improving the comprehensive utilization of CG Mineral composition, timeofflight secondary ion mass Separation and Recovery of Valuable Carbon ACS Publications

Effects of Setaria viridis on heavy metal enrichment tolerance and
2024年3月1日 Coal gangue with a sulfur content of more than 2% is referred to as highsulfur gangue (Wang et al, 2023a, Wang et al, 2023b) Highsulfur gangue is highly polluting because of its high concentration of iron sulfide minerals With the increase in energy consumption, coal gangue has become a typical industrial solid waste worldwide2023年1月15日 Highsulfur coal gangue (HSCG) is extremely unstable in the environment, releasing acid mine drainage with high concentrations of harmful heavy metals (HMs) The effects of HSCG particle size, leaching solution pH, Fe 3+ and acidophilic microorganisms on the release of HMs from the HSCG and their kinetic behavior were studied using static leaching Release characteristics of heavy metals in highsulfur coal gangue release of pollutants from highsulfur coal gangue Highsulfur coal gangue was continuously immersed in a proline solution and in deionized water (as a control treatment) for 540 days The results showed that the coal gangue in the control treatment was oxidized and generated leachate with poor water qualities, ie, the leachate exhibited Effects of a proline solution cover on the geochemical and The sulfur content of coal is one of the important indicators that determine coal quality This provides a lowcost, efficient and reliable method for coal gangue analysis Xiao et al (2022) proposed a coal identification method based on visibleinfrared spectroscopy and deep learningMeasurement of sulfur content in coal mining areas by using

Enrichment and response of ironmetabolizing microorganisms
2023年4月13日 In the Xishan coalfield of northern China, the stratified stacking of soil and gangue was applied to limit the acid pollution from highsulfur coal gangue In this study, we found that stratified stacking can effectively neutralize the acidity, with the pH value of gangueleaching water being 602–813 In contrast to the acidic contaminated area, most of the 2016年2月1日 The content of sulfur, arsenic, mercury, and fluoride in coal gangue samples (including roof, parting, floor, and mixed coal gangue) in this study is listed in Table 1 Some studies have reported the contents of these elements in Chinese coal gangue based on a certain coal mine (Table 2)Estimate of sulfur, arsenic, mercury, fluorine emissions due to 2021年3月15日 Study on the factors affecting the deep reduction of coal gangue containing high contents of iron and sulfur Author links open overlay panel Hongyu Zhao 1, Yanli Chen 1, Xuqin Duan Show Additionally, CG is not suitable for use as a fuel, and its high sulfur content will cause great pollution to the environment during its Study on the factors affecting the deep reduction of coal gangue 2021年3月11日 The conclusions are as follows: higher heavy metal content in lowsulfur coal gangue is associated with greater, leaching of heavy metals; Characteristics of leaching of heavy metals from low

Characteristics of leaching of heavy metals from lowsulfur coal gangue
content in lowsulfur coal gangue is associated with greater, leaching of heavy metals; acidic conditions promote the release of heavy metals in lowsulfur coal gangue; 2021年3月11日 Coal gangue is the main pollution source of mining areas When coal gangue is stacked and recycled, the heavy metal elements contained in it are released by natural weathering and leaching, which causes damage to the surrounding ecological environment In this study, the leaching and precipitation characteristics of heavy metals in lowsulfur coal gangue Characteristics of leaching of heavy metals from lowsulfur coal gangue 2024年8月30日 Medium and high sulfur coal gangue (MHSCG) presents challenges for safe application on civil engineering building materials due to the high content of unstable pyrite, of which the acidic oxidation products are against alkali cementitious materialsFor better utilization of MHSCG, in this research, the carbonateinducing bacterium Sporosarcina Pasteurii with its Influence of carbonateinducing bacteria on ScienceDirect2018年2月26日 Batch experiments were conducted to comparatively evaluate the inhibition effects and mechanisms of a lowconcentration (1%) proline solution cover on the release of pollutants from highsulfur coal gangue Highsulfur coal gangue was continuously immersed in a proline solution and in deionized water (as a control treatment) for 540 days The results Effects of a proline solution cover on the geochemical and

Enhancing the carbon content of coal gangue for composting
2024年5月1日 Coal gangue contains a substantial amount of carbonaceous shale and siltstone and is rich in trace elements essential for plant growth The nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and silicon contents in coal gangue are comparable to those found in soil Furthermore, the organic matter content in coal gangue is 2–10 times higher than that in soil2024年8月10日 The sulfur content of raw CG was 1581 g/kg, Release characteristics of heavy metals in highsulfur coal gangue: Influencing factors and kinetic behavior Environ Res, 217 (2023), Article , 101016/jenvres2022 View PDF View article View in Scopus Google ScholarSimultaneous nutrients activation and pollutants removal of coal gangue 2012年7月2日 This paper provides an overview on the current status of power generation in China using coal gangue The government regulation towards the use of coal gangue for power generation is introduced(PDF) Power Generation from Coal Gangue in China2021年3月15日 Coal gangue with a sulfur content >2 % (w/w) is commonly referred to as highsulfur coal gangue and is a vital sulfur deposit in nature (Zhao et al, 2021) After the Industrial Revolution, human mining activities resulted in the destruction of the rock structures of coal mining areas, Study on the factors affecting the deep reduction of coal gangue