Use coal gangue

Representative coal gangue in China: Physical and chemical
2024年2月1日 Based on the source and distribution of coal gangue (CG) in China, this study introduces the current situation of CG storage in China and the problems existing in the 2024年4月1日 Coal mining and washing is accompanied by the production of large amounts of coal gangue, which exerts a notable influence on the natural environment However, as a form Environmental hazards and comprehensive utilization of solid 2024年9月7日 The resourceful utilization of coal gangue as soil conditioners, particularly the modified coal gangue, not only facilitates the harmless and resource treatment of substantial Opportunities, challenges and modification methods of coal 2023年5月25日 Du et al studied the use of coal gangue as a novel planting substrate component and found that it significantly improved the chemical properties (organic matter, total N and P, and available N, P, and K) of the Lowcarbon utilization of coal gangue under the

Sustainable and clean utilization of coal gangue: activation and
Using coal gangue as a fertilizer has been proven helpful in potentially reducing its environmental impact and improving its value In this study, the formation mechanism and influencing factors 2019年12月1日 Therefore, the main objective of this paper is to provide a comprehensive literature review of coal gangue utilization in building material production, energy generation, Comprehensive utilization and environmental risks of coal gangue: Starting from the resource characteristics of coal gangue, this paper systematically discusses the ways and research status of coal gangue resource utilization, mainly including: extracting and recovering useful components such Research Progress on Comprehensive Utilization of 2016年11月1日 Coal gangue has accumulated huge coal gangue piles, occupying lots of land as well as having striking influence on the neighboring environmental effects This paper seeks a Environmental effects of coal gangue and its utilization

The Sustainable Utilization of Coal Gangue in Geotechnical and
2022年4月6日 Among coal miningrelated wastes, coal gangue (CG) is the heterogeneous waste generated during the mineral processing or coal washing phase of coal mining A 2024年9月7日 Coal gangue is a complex industrial solid waste mixed with organic compounds, inorganic compounds and minerals (Fabiańska et al 2013)Its major chemical compositions are SiO 2, Al 2 O 3 and Fe 2 O 3, with traces of CaO, P 2 O 5, MgO and MnO 2The chemical composition of coal gangue from various sources and its comparison with soil reference Opportunities, challenges and modification methods of coal gangue 2020年6月26日 Coal mining is indispensable due to the widespread use of coal, and gangue is the accumulated solid waste byproduct that persists in mined lands, even after the mines have been abandoned 1In the Excess sulfur and Fe elements drive changes in soil and Nature2024年11月24日 The coal gangue samples were obtained from the Runhua Coal Mine in Baicheng County, Xinjiang, and were sieved through a 50mesh screen for further use The waterretaining agent and bentonite were purchased from Renqiu Huabo Chemical Co, Ltd, and the Guoping bentonite mine in Qitai County, Xinjiang, respectivelyThe use of coal gangue as a planting substrate in arid mining

Influence of coal gangue mulching with various thicknesses and
2021年7月28日 Furthermore, as coal gangue can also be used as a substitute for soil replacement because of its low transportation cost 41,42 More critically, 2022年12月26日 Top coal caving is a process for the rational extraction of large amounts of coal resources However, this process readily causes release of excessive amounts of gangue during the coal release process The conventional technique, which involves visual inspection, is not only laborintensive but also can introduce inaccuracies Coal and gangue identification methods A review of coal gangue identification research—application to 2024年4月1日 Industrial solid waste coal gangue (CG) is used as the research object, and the mechanical activationwater washing pretreatment method was used to explore the feasibility of carbon removal by water washing and the improvement and microscopic mechanism of the treatment process on the cementitious activity of CGSafe and environmentally friendly use of coal gangue in C30 2022年6月26日 Coal gangue is a kind of industrial solid waste with serious ecological and environmental implications Producing concrete with coal gangue aggregate is one of the green sustainable development requirements This paper reviews the properties and preparation methods of Chinese gangue aggregate, studies the influence of gangue aggregate on Using Chinese Coal Gangue as an Ecological Aggregate and Its

Coal Gangue: Composition, Processing, Use And Recycling
2024年1月18日 Coal: One of the main components of coal gangue is coal itself, including different types of coal, such as stone coal, lignite, anthracite, etc Rock: Coal gangue usually contains a large amount of rockThese rocks may be rock layers above and below the coal seam or other stones in the deposit Pyrite: As you mentioned, coal gangue may contain pyrite, a 2024年4月1日 Coal gangue to meet the production requirements of various types of wall materials components, generally after the selection of raw materials, homogenization, crushing and screening, shaping, billet, drying, roasting, cooling and other processes, as well as optimizing the coal gangue use rate and other processes, can be processed into bricks Environmental hazards and comprehensive utilization of solid waste coal Coal gangue, a byproduct produced during the coal processing, has a serious impact on the environment Using coal gangue as a fertilizer has been proven helpful in potentially reducing its environmental impact and improving its value In this study, the formation mechanism and influencing factors of coalganguebased silicon fertilizer was studied using XRD and FTIR Sustainable and clean utilization of coal gangue: activation and 2024年3月13日 Coal gangue (CG), an industrial solid waste with high contents of Li and Ga, has attracted the attention of researchers However, the utilization of CG remains an economic challenge Preenrichment of Li and Ga by flotation Separation and Recovery of Valuable Carbon ACS

Characteristics of Coal Gangue and Present Situation and
2024年6月4日 Using the technology of artificial soil made from coal gangue, the highquality artificial soil with good physical structure and rich nutrient elements suitable for plant growth can be obtained by activating and passivating the coal gangue, it was used in the Tam Giang Source Ecological Restoration Demonstration Zone to study the changes of 2017年5月30日 Request PDF The Use of Coal Gangue as a Cultivation Bed Conditioner in Forage Maize Inoculated with Arbuscular Mycorrhizal (AM) Fungi A greenhouse pot experiment was conducted to investigate The Use of Coal Gangue as a Cultivation Bed Conditioner2024年7月12日 Coal gangue (CG), which accounts for about 10–20 % of coal output, is a kind of solid waste generated during the coal mining and washing processes According to Fig 2, the annual output of CG in China fluctuates between 600–800 million tons, with a utilization rate hovering around 70 %Review Highcapacity utilization of coal gangue as supplementary 2015年2月18日 The reuse of coal gangue for energy recovery is developing rapidly in China, due to its advantage in achieving both economic and environmental benefits Lowquality coal is often added to elevate the calorific value of the fuel In this paper, the combustion characteristics as well as pollutant emissions (SO2 and NO) of coal gangue, lowquality coal and their blends Cocombustion and emission characteristics of coal gangue and

Coal and Gangue Classification Based on LaserInduced
2023年12月8日 During the extraction and processing of coal, a large amount of solid waste, collectively known as gangue, is produced This gangue has a low carbon content but a high ash content, accounting for approximately 15 to 20% of the total coal yield Before coal is used, coal and gangue must be effectively separated to reduce the gangue content in the raw coal and 2020年1月15日 With the development of China's coal industry, coal gangue has become one of the most extensive solid wastesThe collection of soil from other places for land reclamation has become a commonly used technology for ecological restoration of coalmining areas in China The purpose of this study was to use coal gangue as a new type of planting substrate Optimizing the formulation of coal gangue planting substrate 2020年2月5日 Based on the hydraulic conductivity of coal gangue, it can be stated that coal gangue exhibits excellent drainage characteristics and can be used as an alternate filter material for earthen dams Furthermore, the favorable drainage properties of the coal gangue avoid the accumulation of excessive pore water pressures and aids in the enhancement of overall Characterization studies on coal gangue for sustainable geotechnics2023年11月23日 Based on the greening and low interference disposal requirements of coal gangue in highyield and highefficiency mines in Inner Mongolia and Shaanxi, and by integrating the existing theories and Technology and engineering test of filling goaf with coal gangue

Exploring calcined coal gangue fines as the total substitute of fly
2022年12月1日 Coal gangue, a waste produced during coal mining, has been regarded as the largest source of industrial waste in China It is estimated that the production of 1 t coal generates 01–025 t coal gangue [1], and the total stockpile of coal gangue exceeds 6 billion tons in China [2], [3]The coal gangue not only occupies agricultural land in large areas but triggers Coal gangue is one of the largest mine solid wastes in China, and its discharge and stockpiling have caused resource waste, environmental pollution and other problems Starting from the resource characteristics of coal gangue, this paper Research Progress on Comprehensive Utilization of This, mixed with the 60 million tons of coal mud also produced, could be used for power generation; and the coal mining gangue could be combined with coal fly ash to produce building materials The estimated cost of such projects would be up to 4 billion yuan, but would be expected to save just over 4 million tons of standard coal per year [7]Gangue Wikipedia2024年4月1日 Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Safe and environmentally friendly use of coal gangue in C30 concrete" by Chaoqiang Wang et al Skip to search form Skip to main content Skip to account menu Semantic Scholar's Logo 222,592,899 papers from all fields of science Safe and environmentally friendly use of coal gangue in C30

Comprehensive utilization and environmental risks of coal gangue
Investigation into trace element partitioning behavior from a coal ganguefired power plant in Shanxi province, China, has been conducted and showed that Hg, As, Be, and Cd were highly volatile elements in the combustion of coalgangue, which were notably enriched in fly ash and may be emitted into the environment via the gas phase2020年2月20日 A large amount of coal gangue buildup may be a potential fire hazard associated with the heat released by microorganisms accumulating to the point of spontaneous combustion in the presence of unburned coal, pyrite (FeS 2) and oxygenCoal gangue is likely to cause largescale fire and blast disasters, and produce a significant amount of toxic emissions Reactivity activation of waste coal gangue and its impact on the 2023年12月8日 Coal gangue is one of China’s main industrial solid wastes, which contains various harmful heavy metal elements, such as lead (Pb) The longterm accumulation of coal gangue causes Pb to migrate to the surrounding environment due to weathering and rain erosion, eventually endangering human life and health with its continuous accumulation in the food Migration transformation, prevention, and control of typical heavy 2023年2月26日 The recognition of coal and gangue is the premise and foundation of coal gangue intelligent sorting Adaptive boosting (AdaBoost) algorithmbased coal gangue identification has not been studied in depth This paper proposed a coal gangue image recognition algorithm and a strong classifier based on the AdaBoost algorithm with a genetic Coal Gangue Recognition during Coal Preparation Using an

Carbon Footprint Analysis of Coal Gangue in Geotechnical
2019年9月28日 Coal gangue is a mine waste generated during the mineral processing phase of coal production With the surge in demand for coal in thermal power, steel and cement generation industries, the rate of coal gangue generation has reached unprecedented heights With the realisation of potential threat posed by coal gangue, researchers have made attempts to 2023年11月6日 Traditional Coal Gangue Separation Process and Equipment Water washing and dry coal preparation are the main parts of coal preparation Spiral separation, jigging, heavy medium separation, and other processes are water washing processes, which have the advantages of mature technology, high separation accuracy, and large processing capacity Full article: A review of intelligent coal gangue separation 2024年4月6日 To make a comprehensive use of coal gangue, it is proposed to use this solid waste instead of fine aggregate to prepare gangue concrete pile for pilenet composite foundation The influences from substitution ratio of fine coal gangue aggregate upon the mechanical parameters of concrete were analyzed through laboratory test, and the labscale model test Experimental research on bearing characteristics of coal gangue 2024年9月7日 Coal gangue is a complex industrial solid waste mixed with organic compounds, inorganic compounds and minerals (Fabiańska et al 2013)Its major chemical compositions are SiO 2, Al 2 O 3 and Fe 2 O 3, with traces of CaO, P 2 O 5, MgO and MnO 2The chemical composition of coal gangue from various sources and its comparison with soil reference Opportunities, challenges and modification methods of coal gangue

Excess sulfur and Fe elements drive changes in soil and Nature
2020年6月26日 Coal mining is indispensable due to the widespread use of coal, and gangue is the accumulated solid waste byproduct that persists in mined lands, even after the mines have been abandoned 1In the 2024年11月24日 The coal gangue samples were obtained from the Runhua Coal Mine in Baicheng County, Xinjiang, and were sieved through a 50mesh screen for further use The waterretaining agent and bentonite were purchased from Renqiu Huabo Chemical Co, Ltd, and the Guoping bentonite mine in Qitai County, Xinjiang, respectivelyThe use of coal gangue as a planting substrate in arid mining 2021年7月28日 Furthermore, as coal gangue can also be used as a substitute for soil replacement because of its low transportation cost 41,42 More critically, Influence of coal gangue mulching with various thicknesses and 2022年12月26日 Top coal caving is a process for the rational extraction of large amounts of coal resources However, this process readily causes release of excessive amounts of gangue during the coal release process The conventional technique, which involves visual inspection, is not only laborintensive but also can introduce inaccuracies Coal and gangue identification methods A review of coal gangue identification research—application to

Safe and environmentally friendly use of coal gangue in C30
2024年4月1日 Industrial solid waste coal gangue (CG) is used as the research object, and the mechanical activationwater washing pretreatment method was used to explore the feasibility of carbon removal by water washing and the improvement and microscopic mechanism of the treatment process on the cementitious activity of CG2022年6月26日 Coal gangue is a kind of industrial solid waste with serious ecological and environmental implications Producing concrete with coal gangue aggregate is one of the green sustainable development requirements This paper reviews the properties and preparation methods of Chinese gangue aggregate, studies the influence of gangue aggregate on Using Chinese Coal Gangue as an Ecological Aggregate and Its2024年1月18日 Coal: One of the main components of coal gangue is coal itself, including different types of coal, such as stone coal, lignite, anthracite, etc Rock: Coal gangue usually contains a large amount of rockThese rocks may be rock layers above and below the coal seam or other stones in the deposit Pyrite: As you mentioned, coal gangue may contain pyrite, a Coal Gangue: Composition, Processing, Use And Recycling2024年4月1日 Coal gangue to meet the production requirements of various types of wall materials components, generally after the selection of raw materials, homogenization, crushing and screening, shaping, billet, drying, roasting, cooling and other processes, as well as optimizing the coal gangue use rate and other processes, can be processed into bricks Environmental hazards and comprehensive utilization of solid waste coal

Sustainable and clean utilization of coal gangue: activation and
Coal gangue, a byproduct produced during the coal processing, has a serious impact on the environment Using coal gangue as a fertilizer has been proven helpful in potentially reducing its environmental impact and improving its value In this study, the formation mechanism and influencing factors of coalganguebased silicon fertilizer was studied using XRD and FTIR