Xilinhot stripping soil coal mine

2021年4月4日 Abstract: Openpit coal mining has a significant impact on the content and composition of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in each layer of soil profile In this study, threedimensional excitationemission matrix 2024年1月1日 This paper proposes a method for dynamically controlling the working slope configuration in seasonal stripping openpit coal mines Constructing a bench group working Optimization of working slope configuration in seasonal seasonally stripped openpit coal mines, an engineering model for shape optimization of working slope is established The relationship between circular advance distance of working slope with 季节性剥离露天煤矿工作帮形态动态控制及推进强度优化2020年7月20日 We conducted a soil survey in Xilinhot CPB, to evaluate and analyze the pollution characteristics, potential ecological risk, and sources of six heavy metals (As, Pb, Cu, Impact of coal power generation on the characteristics and risk of

Impact of coal power generation on the characteristics and risk of
We conducted a soil survey in Xilinhot CPB, to evaluate and analyze the pollution characteristics, potential ecological risk, and sources of six heavy metals (As, Pb, Cu, Zn, Mn, and Cd) in soil 2019年4月1日 This review has examined the mechanisms of coal mining and reclamation that affect soil properties (physical, chemical, biological) and described soil development in Effects of surface coal mining and land reclamation on soil We conducted a soil survey in Xilinhot CPB, to evaluate and analyze the pollution characteristics, potential ecological risk, and sources of six heavy metals (As, Pb, Cu, Zn, Mn, and Cd) inThe locations of sampling sites in Xilinhot CPBOur findings show that the overall ecological environment in the dumping sites and backfilling sites of Xilinhot coalfield has improved from a score of 015 in 2005 to 033 in 2020, according Environment monitoring of mining area with comprehensive

Schissler AP (2004) 485494 Coal Mining, Design and Methods of
Surface mine design is determined by the stripping ratio, the overall shape of the reserve from a plan view, and the type of rock Three main surface methods are utilized, with each having the The results show that the carrying capacity of the Xilinhot’s mining area is “medium” for both the Shengli No1 coal mine and East No2 coal mine’ and “small” for the West No2 coal mine The Evaluation of resources and environment carrying capacity of stripping areas, industrial sites, and dumps ar e formed in turn According to Figure 1, the Antaibao coal mine, together with the adjacent Nansigou and Anjialing mines, formed the most modernized Pingshuo coal base in China, covering an area of about 380 km 2 To date, the four dumps in the Antaibao mining area have been fully regreenedRemote Sensing Monitoring of Vegetation Reclamation in the 2022年4月26日 However, once the inner dump slope has been formed, its stability directly affects the development of the openpit coal mine stripping project and the safety of personnel and equipment Ravi KU, Rajesh S (2017) Soil slope instability along a strategic road corridor in Meghalaya, northeastern India Arab J Geosci 10(12):3–9Stability of inner dump slope under coal pillar support Springer

(PDF) An Overview of Soil Pollution and Remediation
2023年8月11日 The current review summarizes progress in comprehending (1) coal mining impacts on soil pollution, (2) polluted coal mine in Okaba, Nigeria, were within the standard limits for unpolluted soils42 W Xiao et al 1 3 Page 2 of 17 in 2015 (Huang et al 2015) The average annual additional land area occupied was up to 1× 104 hm 2 (10 8 m 2), and the soil erosion area increased annually by A drone and fieldbased investigation of the land degradation and soil 2023年10月19日 Coal obtained in different places is not the same and varies widely depending on the nature of the soil and geographic conditions There are two major types of coal mining: underground mining and surface mining Coal mining satiates roughly 1/4 of our global energy demands, and it is coal that has powered America’s power needs for decadesCoal Mining: How Is Coal Mined? Science ABC2023年1月12日 1 School of Mines, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou, China; 2 Key Laboratory of Coal Resources and Safe Mining, Xuzhou, China; 3 China Railway Resources Sunite Left Banner Manglai Mining Co Ltd, Inner Mongolia, China; A clear understanding of landslide mechanisms and stability analyses is of great significance for Landslide mechanism and stability of an openpit slope: The

Spatial Distribution Characteristics of Heavy Metals in Surface Soil
2021年5月2日 The Wulantuga openpit coal mine and Shengli coalfield are distributed in the Xilinguole Grassland Openpit coal mining produces a large amount of solid waste substances that contain heavy metal ions that can enter the surface layer of soil under the action of rainwater intrusion and erosion, causing heavy metal pollution in the surface soil In this paper, the soil erosion and land degradation after 5 years of such natural processes, at the Xilinhot opencast coal mine dump in Inner Mongolia, were investigatedA drone and fieldbased investigation of the land degradation and soil 2023年10月6日 Mudstone, as a typical soft rock with wide distribution, has been endangering the slopes containing mudstone by its watersensitivity of swelling and weakening strength when encountering water To comprehensively understand the watersensitivity of mudstone and reveal its influence on slope stability, we took the working slope containing watersensitive mudstone Stability analysis of a slope containing watersensitive mudstone 2000年3月10日 Here, we assess the mediumterm development of postrehabilitation soil organic matter quantity and quality using mine soil chronosequences of up to 22 years postrehabilitation at Weipa Soils had been respread either immediately after stripping or after stripped soil had been stockpiled for several yearsSoil stripping and replacement for the Semantic Scholar

(PDF) Surface Mine Design ResearchGate
2017年3月13日 PDF surface mining methods; open pit planning and design; open pit terminology; stripping ratio; factors It is most commonly used to mine coal and • Develop the mine concepts and make 2015年11月21日 The locations of the 2013 eastern ShengLi open pit mine landslide and the 2010 northern ShengLi open pit mine landslide were both in the XilinHot city of Inner Mongolia province, in areas with similar geographical, regional geological, geomorphic conditions and excavation depth There are so many similar characteristics, such as landslides triggered by Lessons Learned from the Landslides in Shengli East OpenPit Mine Keywords: open pit mine, slope stability, mine reclamation, stripping ratio, production cycle 1 Introduction iron ore, coal) as shown in Figure 5 13 Stripping ratio The parameter known as the stripping ratio represents the amount of uneconomicmaterial thatmustberemoved touncoveroneunit ofore,ie (soil) with bucket wheel excavatorsChapter Open Pit MiningStability of inner dump slope under coal pillar support: case study in an openpit coal mine 1 3 Page 3 of 18 25 NUnder the eect of shear resistance S and gravity W (the resultant force of the Stability of inner dump slope under coal pillar support: case study

Quantifying the spatiotemporal patterns and environmental
2024年3月14日 Surface coal mining is one of the most environmentally destructive human disturbances This study provides the first comprehensive assessment of the speed and scale of coal mining and its major environmental impacts in the Xilingol Steppe, Inner Mongolia from 1990 to 2015, using remote sensing data and landscape metrics Our results show that during this 2022年4月7日 PDF The openpit coal mine dump in the study area contains many lowconcentration heavy metal pollutants, which may cause pollution to the soil Find, read and cite all the research you need (PDF) Spatial Distribution and Migration Characteristics of Heavy Introduction The development of coal power base (CPB) poses a severe challenge to the soil We conducted a soil survey in Xilinhot CPB, to evaluate and analyze the pollution characteristics The locations of sampling sites in Xilinhot CPB2022年6月4日 Opencast coal mining has a large impact on the land surface, both at the mining pits themselves and at waste sites After artificial management is stopped, a reclaimed opencast coal mine dump is affected by wind and water erosion from natural processes, resulting in land degradation and even safety incidents In this paper, the soil erosion and land degradation A drone and fieldbased investigation of the land degradation and soil

Coal mining Underground, Surface, Drilling Britannica
2024年10月11日 Coal mining Underground, Surface, Drilling: The various methods of mining a coal seam can be classified under two headings, surface mining and underground mining Surface and underground coal mining are broad activities that incorporate numerous variations in equipment and methods, and the choice of which method to use in extracting a coal seam 2019年6月30日 Coal Production from opencast mines in India (FY 199899 to 201617) Source: Coal Directory of India, FY 199899 to 201617 Output Per Man Shift (OMS) of UG and OC mining methods under CIL(PDF) Underground and Opencast Coal Mining Methods in 2019年3月1日 Overburden handling has important impacts on surface mining projects and has to be carefully planned considering both mining activities and site rehabilitation [1], [2]Overburden handling activities start at the beginning of the mining project, when a huge amount of material from initial underground development or stripping is removed for site preparation [3], [4]Overburden management in open pits: options and limits in large 2022年9月1日 Compared to other kinds of mining, coal mining receives more attention because coal is not only the most important fossil fuel resource contributing to rapid economic development but is also the largest contributor to global CO 2 emissions, which lead to climate warming (Ipcc, 2014, Cheng et al, 2020, Ma et al, 2021)What is more, coal will be the leading energy source Soil health and ecological risk assessment in the typical coal

Residents’ Cognition and Behavior Related to Eco
2021年7月13日 The development of large coal power plants is often accompanied by environmental pollution, thereby influencing the lives of the surrounding residents, resulting in a “notinmybackyard” effect and 2022年4月7日 The openpit coal mine dump in the study area contains many lowconcentration heavy metal pollutants, which may cause pollution to the soil interface Firstly, statistical analysis and geostatistical spatial interpolation methods described heavy metal pollution’s spatial distribution The mine dump heavy metal pollution distribution is strongly random due to Spatial Distribution and Migration Characteristics of Heavy MDPI2024年6月21日 Purpose Over the past three decades, openpit mining has been expanding in arid and semiarid areas of ChinaOpenpit mining profoundly changes the soil environment and has a profound impact on the circulation of soil water in the aeration zoneTherefore, this research explores the impacts of openpit coal mining on soil moisture processes in the semiarid Alterations in soil moisture dynamics due to openpit coalstrip mining, removal of soil and rock (overburden) above a layer or seam (particularly coal), followed by the removal of the exposed mineral The common stripmining techniques are classified as area mining or contour mining on the basis of the deposit geometry and type The cycle of operations for both techniques consists of vegetation clearing, soil removal, drilling Strip mining Surface Mining, Reclamation Restoration

(PDF) Species distribution and concentration pollution of soil
2022年8月30日 Distribution characteristics of soil heavy metal forms in the coal mine reclamation area (A) Deep reclamation area (B) Shallow reclamation area2024年10月29日 In the production and construction process of a slowly inclined composite coal seam surface mine in China, the problem of coal compression by the nonworking slope is common, but the research on Recovery of compaction resources in internal dump of gently 2017年9月20日 Sample setting Soil samples were collected at a depth of 0–10, 10–20, and 20–30 cm at 27 sites located in the vicinity of the coal, gold, and fluorite mines (Fig 1)The scale, type, and exploration history of three mines in this study are provided in Table 1Taking the mining area as the center, the investigation sample line is set up in four different directions around the The spatial distribution and accumulation characteristics of heavy 2024年8月1日 Strip mining is a surface mining method used to extract mineral deposits close to the earths surface by removing overburden, with techniques like area and contour mining being particularly effective for coal extraction While it offers efficiency and costeffectiveness compared to underground mining, strip mining has significant environmental impacts such as habitat Strip Mining Explained: An InDepth Guide MiningProvider

Remote Sensing Monitoring of Vegetation Reclamation in the
stripping areas, industrial sites, and dumps ar e formed in turn According to Figure 1, the Antaibao coal mine, together with the adjacent Nansigou and Anjialing mines, formed the most modernized Pingshuo coal base in China, covering an area of about 380 km 2 To date, the four dumps in the Antaibao mining area have been fully regreened2022年4月26日 However, once the inner dump slope has been formed, its stability directly affects the development of the openpit coal mine stripping project and the safety of personnel and equipment Ravi KU, Rajesh S (2017) Soil slope instability along a strategic road corridor in Meghalaya, northeastern India Arab J Geosci 10(12):3–9Stability of inner dump slope under coal pillar support Springer2023年8月11日 The current review summarizes progress in comprehending (1) coal mining impacts on soil pollution, (2) polluted coal mine in Okaba, Nigeria, were within the standard limits for unpolluted soils(PDF) An Overview of Soil Pollution and Remediation 42 W Xiao et al 1 3 Page 2 of 17 in 2015 (Huang et al 2015) The average annual additional land area occupied was up to 1× 104 hm 2 (10 8 m 2), and the soil erosion area increased annually by A drone and fieldbased investigation of the land degradation and soil

Coal Mining: How Is Coal Mined? Science ABC
2023年10月19日 Coal obtained in different places is not the same and varies widely depending on the nature of the soil and geographic conditions There are two major types of coal mining: underground mining and surface mining Coal mining satiates roughly 1/4 of our global energy demands, and it is coal that has powered America’s power needs for decades2023年1月12日 1 School of Mines, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou, China; 2 Key Laboratory of Coal Resources and Safe Mining, Xuzhou, China; 3 China Railway Resources Sunite Left Banner Manglai Mining Co Ltd, Inner Mongolia, China; A clear understanding of landslide mechanisms and stability analyses is of great significance for Landslide mechanism and stability of an openpit slope: The 2021年5月2日 The Wulantuga openpit coal mine and Shengli coalfield are distributed in the Xilinguole Grassland Openpit coal mining produces a large amount of solid waste substances that contain heavy metal ions that can enter the surface layer of soil under the action of rainwater intrusion and erosion, causing heavy metal pollution in the surface soil Spatial Distribution Characteristics of Heavy Metals in Surface Soil In this paper, the soil erosion and land degradation after 5 years of such natural processes, at the Xilinhot opencast coal mine dump in Inner Mongolia, were investigatedA drone and fieldbased investigation of the land degradation and soil

Stability analysis of a slope containing watersensitive mudstone
2023年10月6日 Mudstone, as a typical soft rock with wide distribution, has been endangering the slopes containing mudstone by its watersensitivity of swelling and weakening strength when encountering water To comprehensively understand the watersensitivity of mudstone and reveal its influence on slope stability, we took the working slope containing watersensitive mudstone 2000年3月10日 Here, we assess the mediumterm development of postrehabilitation soil organic matter quantity and quality using mine soil chronosequences of up to 22 years postrehabilitation at Weipa Soils had been respread either immediately after stripping or after stripped soil had been stockpiled for several yearsSoil stripping and replacement for the Semantic Scholar