Shale gas becomes a new mineral

Recent techniques on analyses and characterizations of shale gas
2024年6月1日 The burgeoning interest in unconventional shale gas/oil reservoirs has ushered in a new era of exploration and exploitation methodologies In order to navigate the challenges 2021年4月17日 This paper discusses shale gas power as a primary source of energy by extending the shale gas production process, the challenges it faces in its production, and its environmental impacts This paper also discusses the Shale gas: a step toward sustainable energy future2024年1月1日 Carbonate minerals and pyrite are less thermally stable after the thermal shock Shale permeability increases significantly after the thermal treatment at 500 °C Thermal shock Thermal behavior of minerals in shale and its influence on 2023年7月10日 This virtual special issue (VSI) is an attempt to provide a venue to review the recent advances and publish the new results in shale gas exploration and exploitation, which include the multidisciplinary research Virtual Special Issue of Recent Advances in Shale Gas

Shale gas: Will it become a new type of clean energy in China? —
2021年2月1日 Shale gas, with its low carbon and green characteristics, has attracted a considerable amount of attention in the development of global clean energy Analyzing the In an attempt to find out if and how shale gas could be exploited in a sustainable way, this paper reviews the economic, environmental, and social aspects of shale gas These include costs, energy security, employment, water and land Shale Gas: A Review of the Economic, Environmental, 2014年9月18日 Shale gas resources are proving to be globally abundant and the development of these resources can support the geologic storage of CO 2 (carbon dioxide) to mitigate the climate impacts of global carbon emissions Shale Gas Formations and Their Potential for Carbon 2021年3月24日 The big success in marine shale gas exploration and production made China the third country worldwide to commercialize shale gas development However, the Upper Ordovician Wufeng Formation and the Lower Silurian Shale Gas Exploration and Development in China:

Shale gas revolution could paralyse the energy transition
2023年12月20日 The shale gas revolution has provided a cheap and relatively clean alternative for coal, but it also threatens the future market for renewables Recent projections indicate that A4 Vitrinite Reflectance Comments Ro Ro20% Metagenesis stage, methane remains as the only hydrocarbon (dry gas zone) Ro is the mean reflectance in oil Figure 3 Vitrinite Reflectance Categories for Thermal MaturityA PRIMER ON NEW YORK'S GAS SHALES2021年1月1日 Due to depleting conventional resources and increased world demand for energy, there is an urge to produce more from unconventional resources such as shale gas, tight gas, and coal seam gas Low matrix permeability is the most common characteristic of these unconventional reservoirs ( SUNJAY, 2014 ) and is also enhanced by induced artificial fracturesA state – of – art review on waterless gas shale fracturing 2020年2月6日 Heterogeneity of organic matter (OM), including size, type, and organic pores within OM, is being recognized along with increasing study using SEM images Especially, the contribution of organic pores to the entire pore Characteristics of Organic Matter Particles and

Shale Oil and Gas, Oil Shale and Gas Hydrates SpringerLink
2021年6月25日 Shale oil and gas, as mentioned earlier, are the remnant hydrocarbons trapped in the source rock Hydrocarbon expulsion from the source is initiated and facilitated by fractures, created in shales due to increasing pore pressure of oil and gas generated by breaking of kerogen during thermal maturity, a process known as catagenesis (Chapter “Seismic Stratigraphy and 2018年4月26日 Hill, D G Nelson, C R Reservoir properties of the Upper Cretaceous Lewis Shale, a new natural gas play in the San Juan Basin Rock and Mineral Analysis 30, 623–630 (2011)The origin, type and hydrocarbon generation potential of Nature2019年7月11日 Due to the shale’s low permeability, shale formations were not historically targeted to produce oil and natural gas However, this has been changing over the past few decades New and improved extraction techniques such as horizontal drilling and frac’ing have been vital in helping the industry “unlock” these hydrocarbonsExploring Shale Plays and Petroleum Basins Rock River Minerals2023年9月1日 The results show that:(1) when the adsorption constant decreases, the variation of the fractal dimension of pore structure becomes more obvious, and the shale reservoir's gas production and pore structure are most sensitive to the volume constant; (2) the deformation of pore structure increases with the increase of effective diffusion How pore structure evolves in shale gas extraction: A new fractal

Shale Formation, Composition, Sedimentary Britannica
shale, any of a group of finegrained, laminated sedimentary rocks consisting of silt and claysized particlesShale is the most abundant of the sedimentary rocks, accounting for roughly 70 percent of this rock type in the crust of the Earth Shales are often found with layers of sandstone or limestoneThey typically form in environments where muds, silts, and other sediments were At present, some researchers relate water saturation to shale skeleton minerals, such as quartz, clay minerals predict gas saturation across different types of lowresistivity shales It is imperative to develop new gas saturation prediction models indicators becomes crucial [32–37] Historically, gas saturation estimation of the CLAP: Gas Saturation Prediction in Shale Gas Reservoir Using a 2021年7月1日 The shale gas reservoir evaluation depends on the accurate identification of shale mineral composition and lithology( Wu et al, 2016 ) The mineral composition of shale largely determines the hydrocarbon generation capacity and the fracturing design in shale gas reservoirs (Zhang et al, 2011, 2019)The mineral composition of source rocks is an important index for A novel mineral composition inversion method of deep shale gas 2022年5月31日 This study presents a critical historical review of shale gas exploration and development in China from 2000 to 2020 It reviews achievements in theoretical and technological understandings by Exploration and development of Shale gas in China: A

Characteristics of Organic Matter Particles and
2020年2月6日 The actual shapes of shale pores present themselves after the shale oil was washed away [56][57][58][59][60][61] The hysteresis loop characteristics formed by the nitrogen adsorptiondesorption 2017年2月1日 Methane gas is mainly adsorbed in clay minerals and organic carbon Factors such as kerogens, the maturity of organic matter, the hydrocarbon expulsion intensity, the degree of pore development, and the amount water saturation all affect methane gas adsorption in shale (Jarvie, 2005)In this paper, based on experimental results using samples from the Zhaotong A A logging calculation method for shale adsorbed gas content and 2018年11月1日 The evaluation methods proposed by Rickman et al (2008), based on the rock's mechanical elastic parameters (Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio) and the brittle mineral content are widely used for their simplicity and practicabilityThe Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio are the key rock mechanical parameters used to characterize shale brittleness (Rickman An improved evaluation method for the brittleness index of shale 2015年1月1日 The early twentyfirst century has witnessed a boom in oil and natural gas production that promises to turn the United States into a new form of petrostate(PDF) The fracking revolution: Shale gas as a case study

A New Petrophysical Model for Organic Shales Request PDF
2013年6月1日 Request PDF A New Petrophysical Model for Organic Shales Unconventional shale reservoirs have gained significant importance in the recent years in terms of reserves and production perspective Request PDF On Jul 1, 2023, Shudi Fan and others published How pore structure evolves in shale gas extraction: A new fractal model Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGateHow pore structure evolves in shale gas extraction: A new fractal 2020年11月1日 It is well documented by several authors such as (Cao et al, 2016; Zhao et al, 2018; Zhong et al, 2019) that geochemical characteristics of SGRs are a deterministic index of a shale gas capability in hydrocarbon generation and productionThe most fundamental factor in shale gas is the high total organic carbon (TOC) accumulated in black mudrocks or shalesFlow modeling in shale gas reservoirs: A comprehensive review2022年12月1日 The Ordos Basin is a hotspot for shale oil exploration in China, and the shale oil production from the Changqing oilfield of PetroChina exceeds 1 million tons in 2021, which becomes a new target Effects of clay minerals and organic matter on pore evolution of

Shale gas Wikipedia
Derrick and platform of drilling gas wells in Marcellus Shale – Pennsylvania Shale gas was first extracted as a resource in Fredonia, New York, in 1821, [16] [17] in shallow, lowpressure fractures Horizontal drilling began in the 1930s, and in 1947 a well was first fracked in the US [3] Federal price controls on natural gas led to shortages in the 1970s [18]2024年10月1日 In recent years, a special type of marine shale gas reservoirs, carbonaterich shale, was encountered in the Permian stratum Unlike previous shale types (quartz or clay dominated), the content of carbonate minerals (calcite + dolomite) became prominent, even surpassing that of quartz or clay (Liang and Li, 2021)Considering that limestone would exhibit A new type of shale gas reservoir—carbonaterich shale: From 2011年10月17日 Shale gas, which is derived from organic matters in shale and stored in shale deposits, is an important unconventional gas resource and has recently attracted attention for its promising A New Technology for the Exploration of Shale Gas 2013年12月10日 The shale gas and oil revolution has unexpectedly and forcefully begun to change the energy landscape in the USA It is expected to spread beyond the USA, with far reaching implications for the global energy The shale revolution: Global gas and oil markets

How do mineral rights pertain to shale gas? MAJR Resources
The concept of mineral rights becomes particularly relevant when we consider the extraction of shale gas This is because the process, known as hydraulic fracturing or ‘fracking’, involves drilling down deep into the earth and releasing the gas from shale rock layers2023年9月15日 The boost of shale gas production in the last decade has reformed worldwide energy structure The macroscale modeling of shale gas production becomes particularly important as the economic development of such resources relies on the deployment of expensive hydraulic fracturing and the reasonable planning of well schedules A flood of literature was A Review of Macroscopic Modeling for Shale Gas Production: Gas 2 Origins of oil and natural gas Source: Oil Gas UK 1 Shale gas What is it and where does it come from? Shale gas is natural gas formed and held within shale formations It is a fossil fuel originating from plant, algal or other remains, and composed primarily of methane (CH 4) Generally, shale formations areEnergy Essentials A guide to shale gas2021年2月1日 The mineral composition of shale gas reservoir is complex and diverse and a universal mineral composition model is not available In this study, the organic framework was introduced to construct A novel mineral composition inversion method of deep shale gas

Shale gas: Will it become a new type of clean energy in China? —
2021年2月1日 Similarly, China also hopes to solve its energy problems through shale gas (Li et al 2016b;Lin and Li 2020;Yuan et al 2015b) China is abundant in shale gas reserves, and the recoverable shale 2020年3月24日 Due to the huge differences between the unconventional shale and conventional sand reservoirs in many aspects such as the types and the characteristics of minerals, matrix pores and fluids, the construction of shale rock physics model is significant for the exploration and development of shale reservoirs To make a better characterization of shale gasbearing The construction of shale rock physics model and brittleness The minerals of the protolith may be pulverized and crushed by the high rate of shear strain that occurs in these zones Rocks metamorphosed in these zones usually exhibit a combination of fractured, partly disintegrated, partly recrystallized versions of the original minerals, along with new mineral growth that occured during the metamorphism38: Metamorphic Rocks Geosciences LibreTexts A4 Vitrinite Reflectance Comments Ro Ro20% Metagenesis stage, methane remains as the only hydrocarbon (dry gas zone) Ro is the mean reflectance in oil Figure 3 Vitrinite Reflectance Categories for Thermal MaturityA PRIMER ON NEW YORK'S GAS SHALES

A state – of – art review on waterless gas shale fracturing
2021年1月1日 Due to depleting conventional resources and increased world demand for energy, there is an urge to produce more from unconventional resources such as shale gas, tight gas, and coal seam gas Low matrix permeability is the most common characteristic of these unconventional reservoirs ( SUNJAY, 2014 ) and is also enhanced by induced artificial fractures2020年2月6日 Heterogeneity of organic matter (OM), including size, type, and organic pores within OM, is being recognized along with increasing study using SEM images Especially, the contribution of organic pores to the entire pore Characteristics of Organic Matter Particles and 2021年6月25日 Shale oil and gas, as mentioned earlier, are the remnant hydrocarbons trapped in the source rock Hydrocarbon expulsion from the source is initiated and facilitated by fractures, created in shales due to increasing pore pressure of oil and gas generated by breaking of kerogen during thermal maturity, a process known as catagenesis (Chapter “Seismic Stratigraphy and Shale Oil and Gas, Oil Shale and Gas Hydrates SpringerLink2018年4月26日 Hill, D G Nelson, C R Reservoir properties of the Upper Cretaceous Lewis Shale, a new natural gas play in the San Juan Basin Rock and Mineral Analysis 30, 623–630 (2011)The origin, type and hydrocarbon generation potential of Nature

Exploring Shale Plays and Petroleum Basins Rock River Minerals
2019年7月11日 Due to the shale’s low permeability, shale formations were not historically targeted to produce oil and natural gas However, this has been changing over the past few decades New and improved extraction techniques such as horizontal drilling and frac’ing have been vital in helping the industry “unlock” these hydrocarbons2023年9月1日 The results show that:(1) when the adsorption constant decreases, the variation of the fractal dimension of pore structure becomes more obvious, and the shale reservoir's gas production and pore structure are most sensitive to the volume constant; (2) the deformation of pore structure increases with the increase of effective diffusion How pore structure evolves in shale gas extraction: A new fractal shale, any of a group of finegrained, laminated sedimentary rocks consisting of silt and claysized particlesShale is the most abundant of the sedimentary rocks, accounting for roughly 70 percent of this rock type in the crust of the Earth Shales are often found with layers of sandstone or limestoneThey typically form in environments where muds, silts, and other sediments were Shale Formation, Composition, Sedimentary BritannicaAt present, some researchers relate water saturation to shale skeleton minerals, such as quartz, clay minerals predict gas saturation across different types of lowresistivity shales It is imperative to develop new gas saturation prediction models indicators becomes crucial [32–37] Historically, gas saturation estimation of the CLAP: Gas Saturation Prediction in Shale Gas Reservoir Using a

A novel mineral composition inversion method of deep shale gas
2021年7月1日 The shale gas reservoir evaluation depends on the accurate identification of shale mineral composition and lithology( Wu et al, 2016 ) The mineral composition of shale largely determines the hydrocarbon generation capacity and the fracturing design in shale gas reservoirs (Zhang et al, 2011, 2019)The mineral composition of source rocks is an important index for