MTW European Type Trapezium Mill

Input size:30-50mm

Capacity: 3-50t/h

LM Vertical Roller Mill

Input size:38-65mm

Capacity: 13-70t/h

Raymond Mill

Input size:20-30mm

Capacity: 0.8-9.5t/h

Sand powder vertical mill

Input size:30-55mm

Capacity: 30-900t/h

LUM series superfine vertical roller grinding mill

Input size:10-20mm

Capacity: 5-18t/h

MW Micro Powder Mill

Input size:≤20mm

Capacity: 0.5-12t/h

LM Vertical Slag Mill

Input size:38-65mm

Capacity: 7-100t/h

LM Vertical Coal Mill

Input size:≤50mm

Capacity: 5-100t/h

TGM Trapezium Mill

Input size:25-40mm

Capacity: 3-36t/h

MB5X Pendulum Roller Grinding Mill

Input size:25-55mm

Capacity: 4-100t/h

Straight-Through Centrifugal Mill

Input size:30-40mm

Capacity: 15-45t/h

Shanghai Longda Shengbaoli Optoelectronics Co., Ltd.

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    Shanghai Lanbao Sensor Technology Co, Ltd 上海兰宝传感科技股份有限公司创立于1998年,是智能制造核心部件和智能化应用设备供应商,国家重点支持的国家级专精特新“小巨人”企业、 公司已经成为汽 车、家电、办公用品、医疗健康等领域的世界500 强知名企业产品配套的重要供应商。 具开发,设备改造等全套解决方案。 化客户的设计方案,降低成本,提高效率。 2 上海龙达塑料科技股份有限公司 官网针对路灯、庭院灯、走廊灯、门灯等照明灯具进行跟踪环境亮度水平自动开关控制部件,是国内首次采用目前最为先进的国际公认的光控器产品标准—美国UL773标准生产的双金属式光控器。 上海朗骏智能科技有限公司官网该公司是由超连续谱一代的先驱基于他们在非线性光学方面的专业知识开发的全新紧凑型超连续谱激光器。 NF回路设计,早在1959年,高精度的负反馈控制技术尚未在日本国内普及,就已经 书测(上海)光电科技有限公司

  • Shanghai Longdasheng Baoli Photoelectric Co Ltd

    Discovery Company profile page for Shanghai Longdasheng Baoli Photoelectric Co Ltd including technical research,competitor monitor,market trends,company profile stock symbolShanghai Longjoin Electrical and Mechanical Technology Co, Ltd in September 2003 incorporated in Shanghai Baoshan District, specializes in lightcontrolled switching device 上海朗骏智能科技有限公司官网 LONGJOINShanghai Wonderful OptoElectrics Tech Co, Ltd (SWOT)is a civilian hitech corporation, sales and service of laser and optoelectronics products Founded on March 1998, we having more Shanghai Wonderful OptoElectrics Tech Co, LtdElite Optoelectronics is a leading worldwide manufacturer, integrated supplier, and laser solution provider Our product line includes High Stability Laser, Uniform Line Laser, Mini Laser, Elite Optoelectronics Co,Ltd China High Stability Laser, uniform

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    SHANGHAI LONGDA PLASTIC TECHNOLOGY INC Our company was established in June 1995, occupying land of 15,000 ㎡ , with 10,000 ㎡ of construction area, our headquarter is located in Shanghai China and it has more than 40 sets of blow molding equipments of types from 45 to 110 as well as its own mould workshop, we also have blow molding factories in Tianjin CTS (Beijing) International Information Consultant Co, Ltd is in charge of Kompass service in China CTS will help you develop business in China and find contact suppliers buyers WhatsApp: +852 5700 3293,WeChat ID:howtokompass,WeChat Official Accounts:Kompasscn,Tel:+86 10 84 67 19 06Shanghai Tephys Optoelectronics Co, Ltd, 500 Yutian RoadFounded in 2009, Shanghai Lotsin Optoelectronic Technology Co, Ltd is a hightech enterprise specializing in the production, RD and sales of optical instruments The company has a highquality team that integrates design, research and development, production, sales and service to provide customers with highquality optical instruments and excellent technical servicesVideo Microscope Manufacturer, Stereo Microscope, Metallurgical 2024年10月11日  简介: 上海中航光电子有限公司是⼀家成⽴于2009年12月11日的有限责任公司,也是厦门金圆集团旗下企业,属于以从事制造业为主的企业。 位于上海市闵行区,法定代表人为张劼,目前处于存续状态。公司人员规模:10001999人,参保人数:1089人,注册资本:万元人民币,实缴资本:万元 上海中航光电子有限公司 企查查


    Shanghai BonTek Optoelectronics Technology Development Co,Ltd is deeply involved in the microelectronic materials industry and is a professional optoelectronic material solution provider We work mostly with wafers, blanks, substrates made from Quartz Crystal, Lithium Niobate, Lithium Tantalate, Fluoride, Glass etcShanghai Wonderful OptoElectrics Tech Co, Ltd (SWOT)is a civilian hitech corporation, sales and service of laser and optoelectronics products Founded on March 1998, we having more than 16 years experiences, all of our products passed EN ISO 90012000/EN46001/EN ISO 13485 Quality System Certification Audit and Medical Device CE Certification and FDA Approval, Shanghai Wonderful OptoElectrics Tech Co, LtdShanghai Weikai optoelectronics new materials Co,Ltd (former name: Shanghai Weikai Chemicals Co, Ltd) is a hightech enterprise focusing on the RD, production and sales of functional coatings and adhesives Starting from the independent RD and production of tobacco packaging, medical packaging coatings and adhesives, WEIKAI continues to explore new Shanghai Weikai optoelectronics new materials Co,LtdShanghai Top Display Optoelectronics (TDO) is professional display supplier who integrates RD, manufacturing and sales of display modules, neareye displays and intelligent displys Focus on industry application markets such as medical, smart home, IOT, industrial, military, air purification, instrumentation, robotics, 3D printing and so onShanghai Top Display Optoelectronics Co, Ltd

  • Shanghai Longda Plastic Technology Co, Ltd officialSHANGHAI LONGDA

    SHANGHAI LONGDA PLASTIC TECHNOLOGY INC Nuestra empresa se fundó en junio del año 1995, ocupando aproximadamente 15000 metros cuadrados de tierra, y una superficie de construcción de aproximadamente 10000 metros cuadrados, nuestro corporativo está situado en Shanghai, China, y contamos con más de 40 máquinas de moldeando por soplado para Shanghai Jingsheng Opto electronics Technology Co, Ltd is an enterprise specializing in the research and development, production and sales of precision optical components The company’s main optical products include: highprecision lenses, windows, prisms, mirrors, spectrometers, cylindrical mirrors,aspherical mirrors waveplates, PBS, filters, laser crystals and infrared Shanghai Jingsheng Optoelectronics CO, LTD2022年7月20日  Horkview (Shanghai) Optoelectronics Technology Co, Ltd, founded in 2022,is engaged in the research, development, production and sales of optical products Our products are focused on providing optical components and optical design solutions for biological, medical and other industries We specialize in high precision optical filter manufacturing and optical Horkview (Shanghai) Optoelectronics Technology Co, Ltd2012年8月2日  Employees: 0100 Detail ( 7248% of companies have fewer than 5 employees ) Registered capital: 2,000,000 RMB Detail ( 63% of companies have registered capital less than 500,000Shanghai Yudu Optoelectronics Technology Co, Ltd

  • 沿革JiLin OLED Material Tech Co,Ltd

    Oled (Shanghai) Optoelectronics Material Technology Co, Ltd was established 05 月 Listed in the national SME share transfer system Room 1197, 4th Floor, Building 5, No 168, Lane 6,649, Tingwei Road, Jinshan Industrial Zone, Shanghai, China Oled Shanghai Top Display Optoelectronics Co, Ltd 在领英上有 245 位关注者。TFT LCD / Silicon Micro OLED / AMOLED / UART display / HDMI to MIPI/ sunligh readablity Shanghai Top Display Optoelectronics Co, Ltd (TDO) is a leading provider specializing in the design, manufacturing, and sales of small to mediumsized TFTLCD, UART, AMOLED, micro Shanghai Top Display Optoelectronics Co, Ltd 领英ShangHai QiYu Optoelectronics Technology Co, Ltd 上海琪瑜光电科技有限公司是专业从事照明电子和分布式能源电子产品的开发,制造和销售的新型科技型企业。 公司坐落于上海嘉定区浏翔公路1920号,占地十余亩,厂方近万平米,并在江苏无锡锡山经济开发区建有现代化生产基地。琪瑜光电公司简介Address:Room 201, building 36, NO2777, East JingXiu road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai Zip code: Sales : Landline/Fax:021 ©20112019 SHANGHAI OCEANHOOD OPTOELECTRONICS TECH CO, LTD关于我们上海如海光电科技有限公司

  • 上海文施光电科技有限公司

    上海文施光电科技有限公司成立于2006年8月,致力于电子制造服务行业。 目前我公司集研发制造一体,厂房面积13000平方米,员工数量400+人,其中研发工程师30余人,管理人员50余人,荣获上海高新技术企业称号文施光电始终秉持“品质、客户满意、人力资源、持续发展”的经营理念。Shanghai YIHUI Optoelectronics Technology Co,Ltd was founded in 2013 After years of dedicated development and hard work, the company has now grown into a business entity centered on Shanghai YIHUI Optoelectronics, with Kunshan Laize Optoelectronics and Hefei YIHUI Optoelectronics as its production panyShanghai Yihui Optoelectronic Technology Co, LtdShanghai Top Display Optoelectronics Co, Ltd contact detail Shanghai Top Display Optoelectronics (TDO) is professional display supplier who integrates RD, manufacturing and sales of display modules, neareye displays and intelligent displys Focus on industry application markets such as medical, smart home, IOT, industrial, military, air purification, iContact us Shanghai Top Display Optoelectronics Co, LtdShanghai SHYLON Optoelectronic Technology Co,Ltd No11861, Pengqing Rd, Huaqiao, Kunshan, Jiangsu, CHINA Tel:86512 SHYLON

  • Company Overview of China Manufacturer Shanghai Jingsheng

    Shanghai Jingsheng Optoelectronics Technology Co, Ltd is an enterprise specializing in the research and development, production and sales of precision optical components, laser crystal materials, and optical communication componentsShanghai Jingsheng Optoelectronics Technology Co, Ltd is an enterprise specializing in the research and development, production and sales of precision optical componentsThe company’s main optical products include: highprecision lenses, windows, prisms, mirrors, spectrometers, cylindrical mirrors,aspherical mirrors waveplates, PBS, filters, laser crystals and infrared Shanghai Jingsheng Optoelectronics CO, LTDCCS (Shanghai) Functional Film Co, Ltd is an industry leader specializing in the development and production of optical materials With the largest domestic RD and production base for multifunctional laminated films and the world's leading Shanghai Dehui Group Co, LtdShanghai Top Display Optoelectronics Co, Ltd Small and medium size TFT LCD module UART/smart display AMOLED SeeYA micro oled display VIP Seller 4th Year Home Product List Company Profile Milestone Factory Tour Production Equipment OEM/ODM Service Quality Control Cooperative Partners Key Customers Product ApplicationAMOLED Shanghai Top Display Optoelectronics Co, Ltd

  • Tianma Group – Tianma

    Chengdu Tianma Microelectronics Co, Ltd was established on September 11, 2008 The registration capital is RMB 12 billion and total investment is RMB 3 billion which was invested by Tianma Microelectronics Co, Ltd, Chengdu Industrial Investment Group Co, Ltd and Chengdu HighTech Investment Group Co, Ltd Chengdu Tianma is located in the Chengdu West High Top Display Optoelectronics Co, Ltd: all informations to the appearance World's leading trade fair and conference for electronics manufacturing, and sales of 02 to 55inch LCD displays Founded by a team with over 20 years of experience in Shanghai, TDO boasts toptier innovation and operational integration capabilities Our automated Top Display Optoelectronics Co, Ltd at electronica 2024Shanghai Xuanfeng Optoelectronics Technology Co, Ltd Add: No 6, Shenxia Road, Malu Town, Jiading District, Shanghai Contact: Mr Zhou Tel:021Company ProfileShanghai Xuanfeng Optoelectronics Technology Co, LtdShanghai Top Display Co, Ltd 10 followers on LinkedIn factory in shenzhen specialized in LCD, oled display for more than 10 years Shanghai Top Display Optoelectronics (TDO) dedicates to be Shanghai Top Display Co, Ltd LinkedIn

  • HomeSANAN Optoelectronics Co, Ltd

    Founded in November 2000 and listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange (stock code: ), SANAN Optoelectronics is a wellrecognized compound semiconductor company in China For more than 20 years, its products are very competitive and are widely accepted by global wellknown customersFind company research, competitor information, contact details financial data for Shanghai Avic Optoelectronics Co, Ltd of Shanghai, Shanghai Get the latest business insights from Dun BradstreetShanghai Avic Optoelectronics Co, Ltd Dun BradstreetSHANGHAI LONGDA PLASTIC TECHNOLOGY INC Our company was established in June 1995, occupying land of 15,000 ㎡ , with 10,000 ㎡ of construction area, our headquarter is located in Shanghai China and it has more than 40 sets of blow molding equipments of types from 45 to 110 as well as its own mould workshop, we also have blow molding factories in Tianjin Shanghai Longda Plastic Technology Co, Ltd officialSHANGHAI LONGDA CTS (Beijing) International Information Consultant Co, Ltd is in charge of Kompass service in China CTS will help you develop business in China and find contact suppliers buyers WhatsApp: +852 5700 3293,WeChat ID:howtokompass,WeChat Official Accounts:Kompasscn,Tel:+86 10 84 67 19 06Shanghai Tephys Optoelectronics Co, Ltd, 500 Yutian Road

  • Video Microscope Manufacturer, Stereo Microscope, Metallurgical

    Founded in 2009, Shanghai Lotsin Optoelectronic Technology Co, Ltd is a hightech enterprise specializing in the production, RD and sales of optical instruments The company has a highquality team that integrates design, research and development, production, sales and service to provide customers with highquality optical instruments and excellent technical services2024年10月11日  简介: 上海中航光电子有限公司是⼀家成⽴于2009年12月11日的有限责任公司,也是厦门金圆集团旗下企业,属于以从事制造业为主的企业。 位于上海市闵行区,法定代表人为张劼,目前处于存续状态。公司人员规模:10001999人,参保人数:1089人,注册资本:万元人民币,实缴资本:万元 上海中航光电子有限公司 企查查Shanghai BonTek Optoelectronics Technology Development Co,Ltd is deeply involved in the microelectronic materials industry and is a professional optoelectronic material solution provider We work mostly with wafers, blanks, substrates made from Quartz Crystal, Lithium Niobate, Lithium Tantalate, Fluoride, Glass etcSHANGHAI BONTEK OPTOELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT CO LTD Shanghai Wonderful OptoElectrics Tech Co, Ltd (SWOT)is a civilian hitech corporation, sales and service of laser and optoelectronics products Founded on March 1998, we having more than 16 years experiences, all of our products passed EN ISO 90012000/EN46001/EN ISO 13485 Quality System Certification Audit and Medical Device CE Certification and FDA Approval, Shanghai Wonderful OptoElectrics Tech Co, Ltd

  • Shanghai Weikai optoelectronics new materials Co,Ltd

    Shanghai Weikai optoelectronics new materials Co,Ltd (former name: Shanghai Weikai Chemicals Co, Ltd) is a hightech enterprise focusing on the RD, production and sales of functional coatings and adhesives Starting from the independent RD and production of tobacco packaging, medical packaging coatings and adhesives, WEIKAI continues to explore new Shanghai Top Display Optoelectronics (TDO) is professional display supplier who integrates RD, manufacturing and sales of display modules, neareye displays and intelligent displys Focus on industry application markets such as medical, smart home, IOT, industrial, military, air purification, instrumentation, robotics, 3D printing and so onShanghai Top Display Optoelectronics Co, LtdSHANGHAI LONGDA PLASTIC TECHNOLOGY INC Nuestra empresa se fundó en junio del año 1995, ocupando aproximadamente 15000 metros cuadrados de tierra, y una superficie de construcción de aproximadamente 10000 metros cuadrados, nuestro corporativo está situado en Shanghai, China, y contamos con más de 40 máquinas de moldeando por soplado para Shanghai Longda Plastic Technology Co, Ltd officialSHANGHAI LONGDA Shanghai Jingsheng Opto electronics Technology Co, Ltd is an enterprise specializing in the research and development, production and sales of precision optical components The company’s main optical products include: highprecision lenses, windows, prisms, mirrors, spectrometers, cylindrical mirrors,aspherical mirrors waveplates, PBS, filters, laser crystals and infrared Shanghai Jingsheng Optoelectronics CO, LTD

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