MTW European Type Trapezium Mill

Input size:30-50mm

Capacity: 3-50t/h

LM Vertical Roller Mill

Input size:38-65mm

Capacity: 13-70t/h

Raymond Mill

Input size:20-30mm

Capacity: 0.8-9.5t/h

Sand powder vertical mill

Input size:30-55mm

Capacity: 30-900t/h

LUM series superfine vertical roller grinding mill

Input size:10-20mm

Capacity: 5-18t/h

MW Micro Powder Mill

Input size:≤20mm

Capacity: 0.5-12t/h

LM Vertical Slag Mill

Input size:38-65mm

Capacity: 7-100t/h

LM Vertical Coal Mill

Input size:≤50mm

Capacity: 5-100t/h

TGM Trapezium Mill

Input size:25-40mm

Capacity: 3-36t/h

MB5X Pendulum Roller Grinding Mill

Input size:25-55mm

Capacity: 4-100t/h

Straight-Through Centrifugal Mill

Input size:30-40mm

Capacity: 15-45t/h

disco 8761 grinding wheel replacement

  • DGP8761 抛光機 產品介紹 DISCO Corporation

    DGP8761使用的研磨輪、磨刀板等與現有8000系列機型具有互換性。 另外,操作方法及搭載了GUI(Graphical User Interface)的機台畫面構成也有大量的共通性。 移到貼膜機 Polishing wheelΦ300 mm CMP pad Spindle Rated output kW 75 Rotation speed range mi列印printThe DGP8761 is compatible with grinding wheels, polishing wheels, dresser boards and other parts designed for existing DISCO 8000 Series equipment In addition, the operation method and GUI (Graphical User Interface) are based DGP8761 Polishers Product Information DISCO The DGP8761 is compatible with grinding wheels, polishing wheels, dresser boards and other parts designed for existing DISCO 8000 Series equipment In addition, the operation method and GUI (Graphical User Interface) are based DGP8761 Fully Automatic Grinder/Polisher Tesscorn

  • 追求更高效率的300 mm

    DGP8761 是敝司销售业绩突出的DGP8760 的改良机型。 本机型实现了背面研磨到去除参与应力技术的一体化,可以稳定地实现厚度在25 μm以下的薄型化加工。 还配置了新开发的主轴,适用 The DGP8761 is compatible with grinding wheels, polishing wheels, dresser boards and other parts designed for existing DISCO 8000 Series equipment In addition, the operation method and GUI (Graphical User Interface) are based DiscoDGP8761 Grinder/Polisher AUROTECH DISCO Corporation Training Center DGP8761 Tier 2 (Rev 200) Trainee Period Company Trainer Item Date Trainee Trainer 41 Replace Z1/Z2 Axis Wheels 42Training Signoff Sheet DISCO通过在纵向切入式研机的精加工研削轴(Z2 轴)上使用Poligrind( 抛旋光性研削磨轮),在不需要增加新设备及改变现有生产技术的条件下,亦可改善晶圆的精加工表面粗糙度和抗折强度,获得更高的 Grinding Wheels Poligrind

  • DISCO Corporation

    DISCO offers training on maintenance and operation of various equipment models to help customers better understand the products and be able to use them more efficiently A freeof disco dgp8761hc配備了可編程的旋轉工作臺,具有獨立、可調的速度和扭矩設置。 這一特性使該單元能夠達到晶片表面與砂輪的完美對準,確保了優越的研磨效果。DISCO DGP 8761 晶圓輪磨,研磨及拋光機 用於銷售價格 It can also be used in an inline configuration with DISCO's DBG (Dicing Before Grinding) process DISCO 8000 Series compatibility The DGP8761 is compatible with grinding wheels, polishing wheels, dresser boards and other parts DGP8761 Polishers Product Information DISCO Speciallyformulated resin bonds allow for reduced depth of damage and highly dependable grinding quality Designed for improved TTV and surface roughness, the GF01 Series finegrinding wheels combine high processing quality with GF01 Grinding Wheels Product Information DISCO

  • Poligrind 研磨輪 產品介紹 DISCO Corporation

    下訂單時 在下訂單時,請用戶將產品型號名稱、各種尺寸等資訊及所需數量通知本公司。另外在初次訂購時,本公司銷售窗口會根據不同加工要求,協助用戶選擇合適的產品。Grinding wheel "UltraPoligrind" The newly developed UltraPoligrind wheel, (Dicing Before Grinding) process DISCO 8000 Series compatibility The DGP8761 is compatible with grinding wheels, polishing wheels, dresser boards and other parts designed for existing DISCO 8000 Series equipment In addition, the operation method and GUI DiscoDGP8761 Grinder/Polisher AUROTECH CORPORATIONProduct Information Introduction to DISCO's advanced Kiru・Kezuru・Migaku technologies, including precision processing equipment, precision processing tools, and peripheral equipmentProduct Information DISCO CorporationGrinding Wheels 实现高质量晶背研磨的研磨轮Poligrind 在迪思科公司的晶背研磨用研削磨轮产品群中又新增加了Poligrind( 抛旋光性研削磨轮)产品。通过在纵向切入式研机的精加工研削轴( Z2轴)上使用Poligrind(抛旋光性研削磨轮),在不需要增加新设备Grinding Wheels Poligrind

  • GF01 Grinding Wheels Product Information DISCO Corporation

    Speciallyformulated resin bonds allow for reduced depth of damage and highly dependable grinding quality Designed for improved TTV and surface roughness, the GF01 Series finegrinding wheels combine high processing quality with optimized wheel life BK01 : For enhanced grinding performance; BK02 : For reduced wheel wearSystem Thin processing below: 25 μm Diamond grinding wheel Z1, Z2 axis: φ300 mm Dry polishing wheel Z3 axis: φ450 mm 8" 12" Common kit included 2012 vintage 阅读更多 关闭 DISCO DFM 2800/DGP 8761是晶圆研磨、研磨、抛光设备,采用单一集成平台,使精密晶圆的制 DISCO DFM 2800 / DGP 8761 晶圆研磨、抛光机 用于销售价格 磨轮 通过将原来的主轴上粗加工研削用磨轮所使用的陶瓷类结合剂(vs,vs202等)改变成树脂类结合剂bt100(照片4),就能够降低晶片的破损率,并使导致晶片开裂的边缘崩裂现象 ※1 也得到了控制。 另外,为了去除主轴研削时产生的研削破碎层,在第二主轴的精加工研削用磨轮 减薄精加工研削 研削 解决方案 DISCO CorporationBK01 : Enhances grinding quality; BK02 : Enhances wheel life BK04 : Standard resin bond wheel; BK09 : Enables highload processing; Etched wafer grinding (for wafer manufacturers) Capable of precision grinding to planarize IF Grinding Wheels Product Information DISCO

  • DGP8761 Datasheet(PDF) 1 Page DISCO Corporation

    with DISCO's DBG (Dicing Before Grinding) process DISCO 8000 Series compatibility The DGP8761 is compatible with grinding wheels, polishing wheels, dresser boards and Super fine grinding (optional) Poligrind UltraPoligrind Similar Part No DGP8761: Manufacturer: Part # Datasheet: Description: PowerOne: DGP12U5D12: 798Kb / 3P: DUAL The wafer proceeds to Z3 for dry polishing (or ultra highmesh wheel grinding) Datasheet search, datasheets, Datasheet search site for Electronic Components and Semiconductors, integrated circuits, diodes, triacs and other semiconductorsDGP8761 Datasheet(PDF) 2 Page DISCO CorporationUsed DISCO DGP 8761 # for sale It looks like this item has already been sold Check similar products below or contact us and our experienced team will find it for you This feature enables the unit to attain perfect alignment of the wafer surface with the grinding wheel, DISCO DGP 8761 Wafer Grinder, Lapper Polisher used for sale functions It is also configurable with Disco's DBG (Dicing Before Grinding) system and with a wide variety of other machines: tape mounter, tape remover, etc Disco 8000 Series Compatibility DGP8760's grinding wheels, polishing wheels, dresser boards, spindles, and chuck tables are all compatible with Disco 8000 Series machinesUltraThin Grinding and DGP8760 DHK

  • UltraPoligrind Grinding Wheels Product Information DISCO

    UltraPoligrind employs an ultrafine diamond abrasive to create higher die strength and enable grinding with even less damage than Poligrind This new finish grinding wheel is also able to maintain a gettering effect, which is often removed when a stress relief process is usedSemiconductor packaging process technology to reduce package thicknessPlease check training material from DISCOhttps://discocojp/eg/support/term/doc/Pr[Eng Sub] Wafer Backgrinding Parameters, Spindle, Chuck, Grinding DISCO offers training on maintenance and operation of various equipment models to help customers better understand the products and be able to use them more efficiently Infeed grinding with wafer rotation: Grinding wheelΦ200 mm Diamond Wheel: Spindle: Rated output: kW: 6: Rotation speed range: min ‐1: 1,000 ~ 7,000:DFG8640 Grinders Product Information DISCO Corporationdisco dgp 8761是一款晶圆研磨、研磨、抛光设备,设计时考虑到了最高水平的可靠性和效率。 以最新晶圆研磨技术为动力,DISCO DPG 8761是一台坚固而精确的机器,能够精确研磨、研磨和抛光晶圆,达到最高质量和一致性水平。DISCO DGP 8761 晶圆研磨、抛光机 用于销售价格 #

  • DISCO DGP 8761 晶圓輪磨,研磨及拋光機 用於銷售價

    DISCO DGP 8761HC是一種用於處理大型半導體晶片的高精度研磨機、研磨機和拋光機,具有可編程的工作頭和直接驅動的主軸,具有卓越的精度 二手 DISCO DGP 8761 10004000 min⁻¹ Height gauge: 018 mm Wheel, 12" Z3: CMP DISCO DGP 8761 is an advanced wafer grinding, Furthermore, the tool is equipped with a diamond grinding wheel and a revolving compact lapping plate that ensure smooth and even grinding DGP 8761 utilizes a new type of high DISCO DGP 8761 Wafer Grinder, Lapper Polisher またDBG(Dicing Before Grinding)プロセスにも対応することができます(オプション)。 従来機8000シリーズとの互換性・共通性を維持 砥石、ドレッサーボードなどは従来機との互換性を図り、またオペレーション方法やGUI (Graphical User Interface)を搭載した画面構成など多くの共通性を維持しています。DGP8761 ポリッシャ 製品情報 DISCODISCO DGP 8761HC是一种用于处理大型半导体晶片的高精度研磨机、研磨机和抛光机,具有可编程的工作头和直接驱动的主轴,具有卓越的精度 二手 DISCO DGP 8761 10004000 min⁻¹ Height gauge: 018 mm Wheel, 12" Z3: CMP Air bearing DISCO DGP 8761 晶圆研磨、抛光机 用于销售价格 #

  • DISCO DGP 8761 Wafer Grinder, Lapper Polisher used for sale

    DISCO DPG 8761's powerful grinding mechanism utilizes an abrasive loaded wheel to ensure maximum efficiency and accuracy The wheel is further adjustable to fit the size and shape of the wafer being ground or lapped Additionally, an onboard lapping and polishing unit is provided to perform surface finish tasks迪思科公司最新開發出面向縱向切入式研削機的gf01磨輪系列。 通過採用本公司獨創的新金屬磨輪圈,與原有if系列產品相比較,能夠高效率地向加工部位供給研削水。GF01 研磨輪 產品介紹 DISCO CorporationGrinding wheel “UltraPoligrind It can also be used in an inline configuration with DISCO’s DBG (Dicing Before Grinding) process DISCO 8000 Series compatibility The DGP8761 is compatible with grinding wheels, polishing wheels, dresser boards and other parts designed for existing DISCO 8000 Series equipmentDGP8761 Fully Automatic Grinder/Polisher Tesscorn NanoscienceRealizes high yield thin wafer processing The DFM2800 is a specialized wafer mounter for inclusion in an inline system with a backgrinder to process Φ300 mm ultrathin wafersDFM2800 Wafer Mounter Product Information DISCO

  • DISCO precision machines dicinggrinding service

    DISCO HITEC EUROPE GmbH DicingGrinding Service Liebigstrasse 8 D85551 Kirchheim b München Germany Phone +49 89 909 030 Fax +49 89 909 03199 dgs@discoeuropeIt can also be used in an inline configuration with DISCO's DBG (Dicing Before Grinding) process DISCO 8000 Series compatibility The DGP8761 is compatible with grinding wheels, polishing wheels, dresser boards and other parts DGP8761 Polishers Product Information DISCO Speciallyformulated resin bonds allow for reduced depth of damage and highly dependable grinding quality Designed for improved TTV and surface roughness, the GF01 Series finegrinding wheels combine high processing quality with GF01 Grinding Wheels Product Information DISCO 下訂單時 在下訂單時,請用戶將產品型號名稱、各種尺寸等資訊及所需數量通知本公司。另外在初次訂購時,本公司銷售窗口會根據不同加工要求,協助用戶選擇合適的產品。Poligrind 研磨輪 產品介紹 DISCO Corporation

  • DiscoDGP8761 Grinder/Polisher AUROTECH CORPORATION

    Grinding wheel "UltraPoligrind" The newly developed UltraPoligrind wheel, (Dicing Before Grinding) process DISCO 8000 Series compatibility The DGP8761 is compatible with grinding wheels, polishing wheels, dresser boards and other parts designed for existing DISCO 8000 Series equipment In addition, the operation method and GUI Product Information Introduction to DISCO's advanced Kiru・Kezuru・Migaku technologies, including precision processing equipment, precision processing tools, and peripheral equipmentProduct Information DISCO CorporationGrinding Wheels 实现高质量晶背研磨的研磨轮Poligrind 在迪思科公司的晶背研磨用研削磨轮产品群中又新增加了Poligrind( 抛旋光性研削磨轮)产品。通过在纵向切入式研机的精加工研削轴( Z2轴)上使用Poligrind(抛旋光性研削磨轮),在不需要增加新设备Grinding Wheels PoligrindSpeciallyformulated resin bonds allow for reduced depth of damage and highly dependable grinding quality Designed for improved TTV and surface roughness, the GF01 Series finegrinding wheels combine high processing quality with optimized wheel life BK01 : For enhanced grinding performance; BK02 : For reduced wheel wearGF01 Grinding Wheels Product Information DISCO Corporation

  • DISCO DFM 2800 / DGP 8761 晶圆研磨、抛光机 用于销售价格

    System Thin processing below: 25 μm Diamond grinding wheel Z1, Z2 axis: φ300 mm Dry polishing wheel Z3 axis: φ450 mm 8" 12" Common kit included 2012 vintage 阅读更多 关闭 DISCO DFM 2800/DGP 8761是晶圆研磨、研磨、抛光设备,采用单一集成平台,使精密晶圆的制 磨轮 通过将原来的主轴上粗加工研削用磨轮所使用的陶瓷类结合剂(vs,vs202等)改变成树脂类结合剂bt100(照片4),就能够降低晶片的破损率,并使导致晶片开裂的边缘崩裂现象 ※1 也得到了控制。 另外,为了去除主轴研削时产生的研削破碎层,在第二主轴的精加工研削用磨轮 减薄精加工研削 研削 解决方案 DISCO Corporation

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