Acid black graphite decolorization

Sonochemical decolorization of acid black 210 in the presence of
2008年1月1日 Low pH value and large exfoliation volume of exfoliated graphite favored the ultrasonic decolorization of acid black 210 The combination method of ultrasonic waves and Low pH value and large exfoliation volume of exfoliated graphite favored the ultrasonic decolorization of acid black 210 The combination method of ultrasonic waves and exfoliated Sonochemical decolorization of acid black 210 in the presence of Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Sonochemical decolorization of acid black 210 in the presence of exfoliated graphite" by Mei Li et alSonochemical decolorization of acid black 210 in the presence of 2024年10月1日 The degradation of the Acid Black 210 Na dye (C 34 H 25 N 11 Na 2 O 11 S 3) was evaluated using a synthetic solution prepared at a concentration of 0015 g L −1 using Degradation of acid black 210 Na AZO dye through

Microbial decolorization and degradation of synthetic dyes: a
2012年7月8日 A mixture of four structurally different dyes (Acid Red 88, Reactive Black 5, Direct Red 81, and Disperse Orange 3) was used as sole source of carbon and nitrogen to test the 2012年12月11日 This paper utilizes a statistical approach, the response surface optimization methodology, to determine the optimum conditions for the Acid Black 172 dye removal Optimization of Acid Black 172 decolorization by 2018年12月28日 In this study, Aspergillus niger and Trichoderma harzianum were inoculated in anode chamber of doublechamber MFC to decolorize azo dye acid black 172 with Potassium Ferricyanide in the cathodeAcid Black 172 Dye Decolorization and Bioelectricity Low pH value and large exfoliation volume of exfoliated graphite favored the ultrasonic decolorization of acid black 210 The combination method of ultrasonic waves and exfoliated Sonochemical decolorization of acid black 210 in the presence of

Sonochemical decolorization of acid black 210 in the presence of
Article "Sonochemical decolorization of acid black 210 in the presence of exfoliated graphite" Detailed information of the JGLOBAL is an information service managed by the Japan DOI: 101016/JDYEPIG200704002 Corpus ID: ; The preparation and characterization of a graphite–PTFE cathode system for the decolorization of CI Acid Red 2 @article{Zhou2008ThePA, title={The preparation and characterization of a graphite–PTFE cathode system for the decolorization of CI Acid Red 2}, author={Minghua Zhou and Qin Yu The preparation and characterization of a graphite–PTFE cathode 2012年7月8日 At concentrations less than 200 ppm, 90 % decolorization was observed within 12 h, while at very high dye concentration (>1,000 ppm), the decolorization rate decreased A decrease in decolorization percentage of Acid Black 210 initial concentration growing from 100 to 400 ppm was also observed with V harveyi (Ozdemir et al 2008)Microbial decolorization and degradation of synthetic dyes: a 2011年3月15日 Exfoliated graphite was used for CI Acid Blue 92 removal from its aqueous solution EG was able to adsorb the dye with maximum removal efficiency of 96% Langmuir and Radke–Prausnitz isotherms could predict the adsorption behavior of EG Adsorption capacity obtained from Langmuir isotherm was relatively low The continuous system was successfully Continuous fixed bed adsorption of CI Acid Blue 92 by exfoliated

(PDF) Optimization of Acid Black 172 Decolorization by
2012年12月11日 In contrast, in 2013 the Iranian market, TOC for Acid Black 172 decolorization was (04 US$/m 3 ) this lower cost may be due to the use of nuclear power in generating electricity in Iran [26]The decolorization of acid black azo dye by three ozonebased advanced oxidation processes, viz O3, O3/UV, O3/Fe (RV) dye using graphite as an electrode has been done wellTable 1 Characteristics and Structure Of Acid Orange 72021年1月19日 for the effective decolorization of Acid Red 114, Acid Blue 62, Acid Black 172, and Reactive Blue 4 as well as real textile wastewater (Sodaneath et al 2017 ) 45 Removal of Dyes by Yeast(PDF) Biological Decolorization and Degradation of Synthetic 2008年1月1日 A simple method using carbon black and polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) was firstly developed to modify graphite felt which was widely employed as cathode for electroFenton, improving the in situ production of H 2 O 2 by about 107 times at the optimum carbon black to PTFE mass ratio of 1:5The preparation and characterization of a graphite–PTFE cathode

(PDF) Decolorization and Degradation of Acid Dye with
2012年1月31日 Photocatalytic decolorization of Acid Black 26 with different concentrations of hydrogen peroxide for different periods of irradiation (dye: 0071 mM, pH: 62, without anion, Request PDF On Oct 1, 2010, LinNa Du and others published Optimization of heavy metalcontaining dye Acid Black 172 decolorization by Pseudomonas sp DY1 using statistical designs Find, read Optimization of heavy metalcontaining dye Acid Black 172 Crude laccase from Trametes hirsuta EDN 082 was used in this study for the decolorization of anthraquinone and azo dyes Characterization of degradation products from one selected dye, Acid Blue Time course of decolorization of a reactive black (RB5) (with graphite 2008年1月1日 Electrochemical decolorization of the dye Acid reactor was constructed with a graphite rod as anode and stainless 1] for Ostazin Rod H3B, Ostazin Black HN and Ostazin Electrochemical decolorization of the dye Acid orange 10

Continuous fixed bed adsorption of CI Acid Blue 92 by exfoliated
2011年3月15日 The CI Acid Blue 92 dye with the molecular formula C 26 H 19 N 3 O 10 S 3 (MW = 69559) was used to prepare the model dye contaminated wastewater The chemical structure of the dye is presented in Fig 1The colored wastewater was prepared in laboratory by dissolving proper amount of commercial AB92 in distilled water The commercial grade of flaky PDF On Jan 1, 2017, Mohammed Thamer Jaafar published UVA Activated ZnO Mediated Photocatalytic Decolorization of Nigrosine (Acid Black 2) Dye in Aqueous Solution Find, read and cite all the [PDF] UVA Activated ZnO Mediated Photocatalytic 2012年7月15日 DOI: 101016/JCEJ201204108 Corpus ID: ; Natural graphite tailings as heterogeneous Fenton catalyst for the decolorization of rhodamine B @article{Cuiping2012NaturalGT, title={Natural graphite tailings as heterogeneous Fenton catalyst for the decolorization of rhodamine B}, author={Bai Cuiping and Gong Wenqi and Feng Dexin Natural graphite tailings as heterogeneous Fenton catalyst for the 2024年3月1日 According to their research, e aq − and •H are highly efficient for the decolorization of Acid Red 1, since the dose required for complete decolorization of Reactive Black 5 (50 mg L −1) was 1 kGy, while phthalocyanine dye was 15 kGy (50 mg L −1) 5Decolorization and degradation of various dyes and dye

Decolorization of acid black 52 by fungal immobilization
2006年7月1日 Contrasting to the existing results, Funalia trogii immobilized in Naalginate showed higher decolorization of acid black 52F compared to the free suspended cells (Park et al, 2006)2011年1月1日 In this paper, the adsorption and decolorization capability of expanded graphite (EG) on the simulated wastewater containing Acid Orange Ⅱwere studiedStudy on Decolorization of Wastewater Containing Acid 2012年3月1日 The mineralization of solutions containing azo dyes Acid Violet 7 (AV7) and Reactive Black 5 (RB5) in aqueous solutions using electroFenton (EF) and Photo electroFenton (PEF) methods were (PDF) Degradation of Acid violet 7 and Reactive black 5 in water 2018年12月25日 A microbial fuel cell (MFC) has great potential for azo dyes decolorization and electricity generation by using filamentous fungi as biocatalysts In this study, Aspergillus niger and Trichoderma harzianum were inoculated in anode chamber of doublechamber MFC to decolorize azo dye acid black 172 with Potassium Ferricyanide in the cathode chamber Acid Black 172 Dye Decolorization and Bioelectricity Generation by

Decolorization of acid, disperse and reactive dyes by Trametes
Decolorization of acid, disperse and reactive dyes by Trametes versicolor CBR43 SeungOk Yang, Hong Sodaneath, JungIn Lee, acid blue 62 and acid black 172 (500–700 mg L¡1)2012年12月5日 The aim of this study was to investigate the efficiency of the carbon black (CB)polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), carbon nanotube (CNT)PTFE, and CBCNTPTFEcoated gasdiffusion cathode (GDC) for the electrochemical generation of H2O2 and its capability for degradation of organic pollutants Results showed that the CBCNTPTFEcoated GDC was Electrochemical generation of hydrogen peroxide using carbon black 2009年1月1日 Request PDF Activated carbons from peach stones and pine sawdust by phosphoric acid activation used in clarification and decolorization processes BACKGROUND: A comparative study of the Activated carbons from peach stones and pine sawdust by phosphoric acid 2007年10月10日 Previously, a decolorization efficiency of 88% was achieved for acid orange 7 using 166 g/L of graphite in microbial incubations [32]; this concentration was 147times higher than the used for Effective Anaerobic Decolorization of Azo Dye Acid Orange 7 in

Decolorization of Reactive Black 5 and Reactive Blue 4 Dyes in
2018年5月28日 Time course of decolorization of a reactive black (RB5) (with graphite felt anode) and b reactive blue (RBL4) (with graphite plate anode) They also showed two to three times greater rates of decolorization for Acid Orange 7 and Reactive Red 3 azo dyes at 22 kΩ as compared to 46 Ω2006年7月3日 DOI: 101016/JENZMICTEC200511045 Corpus ID: ; Decolorization of acid black 52 by fungal immobilization @article{Park2006DecolorizationOA, title={Decolorization of acid black 52 by fungal immobilization}, author={Chulhwan Park and Byunghwan Lee and EunJung Han and Jinwon Lee and Sangyong Kim}, journal={Enzyme Decolorization of acid black 52 by fungal immobilization1988年1月1日 Chemistry and Processing of Sugarbeet and Sugarcane, edited by MA Clarke and MA Godshall Elsevier Science Publishers BV, Amsterdam, 1988 Printed in the Netherlands 265 Chapter 17 CLARIFICATION AND DECOLORIZATION PROCESSES R R TROTT INTRODUCTION The quality of refined or white sugar of any kind tends to be judged Clarification and Decolorization Processes ScienceDirect2014年5月1日 The maximum decolorization rate for Acid Black ATT was 8735% under the optimal adsorbed to the graphite−solution interface has been determined in the presence of the divalent Decolorization of the compound dye Acid Black ATT

Optimization of Acid Black 172 decolorization by electrocoagulation
2012年12月11日 Keywords: Acid Black 172, Decolorization, Electrocoagulation, Response surface methodology Introduction Effluents from industries, such as textile, leather, plastics, paper, food and cosmetics contain many coloring substances, which can be toxic, carcinogenic and mutagenic [13]2017年5月2日 The CBR43 could effectively decolorize high concentrations of acid blue 62 and acid black 172 (500700 mg L(1)) The maximum dye decolorization rate was obtained at 28°C, pH 5, and 150 rpm in Decolorization of acid, disperse and reactive dyes by Trametes Decolorization of CI Acid Blue 9 solution by UV/NanoTiO2, Fenton, (2009) 1225–1233 1227 mercial graphite felt (thickness = 04 cm) Mohey ElDein, JA Libra, U Wiesmann, Mechanism and kinetic model for the decolorization of the azo dye reactive black 5 by hydrogen peroxide and UV radiation, Chemosphere 52 (2003) 1069–1077 [13](PDF) Decolorization of CI Acid Blue 9 solution by UV/Nano DOI: 101016/JDYEPIG200704002 Corpus ID: ; The preparation and characterization of a graphite–PTFE cathode system for the decolorization of CI Acid Red 2 @article{Zhou2008ThePA, title={The preparation and characterization of a graphite–PTFE cathode system for the decolorization of CI Acid Red 2}, author={Minghua Zhou and Qin Yu The preparation and characterization of a graphite–PTFE cathode

Microbial decolorization and degradation of synthetic dyes: a
2012年7月8日 At concentrations less than 200 ppm, 90 % decolorization was observed within 12 h, while at very high dye concentration (>1,000 ppm), the decolorization rate decreased A decrease in decolorization percentage of Acid Black 210 initial concentration growing from 100 to 400 ppm was also observed with V harveyi (Ozdemir et al 2008)2011年3月15日 Exfoliated graphite was used for CI Acid Blue 92 removal from its aqueous solution EG was able to adsorb the dye with maximum removal efficiency of 96% Langmuir and Radke–Prausnitz isotherms could predict the adsorption behavior of EG Adsorption capacity obtained from Langmuir isotherm was relatively low The continuous system was successfully Continuous fixed bed adsorption of CI Acid Blue 92 by exfoliated 2012年12月11日 In contrast, in 2013 the Iranian market, TOC for Acid Black 172 decolorization was (04 US$/m 3 ) this lower cost may be due to the use of nuclear power in generating electricity in Iran [26](PDF) Optimization of Acid Black 172 Decolorization by The decolorization of acid black azo dye by three ozonebased advanced oxidation processes, viz O3, O3/UV, O3/Fe (RV) dye using graphite as an electrode has been done wellTable 1 Characteristics and Structure Of Acid Orange 7

(PDF) Biological Decolorization and Degradation of Synthetic
2021年1月19日 for the effective decolorization of Acid Red 114, Acid Blue 62, Acid Black 172, and Reactive Blue 4 as well as real textile wastewater (Sodaneath et al 2017 ) 45 Removal of Dyes by Yeast2008年1月1日 A simple method using carbon black and polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) was firstly developed to modify graphite felt which was widely employed as cathode for electroFenton, improving the in situ production of H 2 O 2 by about 107 times at the optimum carbon black to PTFE mass ratio of 1:5The preparation and characterization of a graphite–PTFE cathode 2012年1月31日 Photocatalytic decolorization of Acid Black 26 with different concentrations of hydrogen peroxide for different periods of irradiation (dye: 0071 mM, pH: 62, without anion, (PDF) Decolorization and Degradation of Acid Dye with Request PDF On Oct 1, 2010, LinNa Du and others published Optimization of heavy metalcontaining dye Acid Black 172 decolorization by Pseudomonas sp DY1 using statistical designs Find, read Optimization of heavy metalcontaining dye Acid Black 172

Time course of decolorization of a reactive black (RB5) (with graphite
Crude laccase from Trametes hirsuta EDN 082 was used in this study for the decolorization of anthraquinone and azo dyes Characterization of degradation products from one selected dye, Acid Blue