Feasibility study of high calcium powder of coal gangue

Review Highcapacity utilization of coal gangue as supplementary
2024年7月12日 Smallersized CG, spontaneously combusted CG, and those with highly reactive silicaaluminacalcium and high calcium components are wellsuited for use as cementitious 2024年9月20日 Improved compressive strength in cementitious materials with calcined coal gangue by 19 % Gypsum addition refines pore structure, enhancing density and mechanical Improvement of strength and microstructure of lowcarbon 2020年2月5日 To gauge the feasibility of using coal gangue for geotechnical and geoenvironmental applications, comprehensive characterization study was performed which Characterization studies on coal gangue for sustainable geotechnics2018年10月1日 Results show that ACSC displayed excellent early age compressive strength, and the compact degree and uniformity of structure were better compared with the ordinary Preparation and characterization of coal gangue geopolymers

Preparation of HighDuctility CementCalcined Coal
2023年8月9日 Coal gangue is a kind of solid waste A highductility cementcalcined coalganguepowdercompositebased rapid repair material (HDRRM) was prepared by partially replacing cement with calcined coal gangue powder 2024年9月7日 Given the coal gangue properties and global land degradation severity, the resourceful utilization of coal gangue as soil conditioners is believed to be a universally Opportunities, challenges and modification methods of coal 2022年4月6日 Among coal miningrelated wastes, coal gangue (CG) is the heterogeneous waste generated during the mineral processing or coal washing phase of coal mining A The Sustainable Utilization of Coal Gangue in Geotechnical and 2020年5月15日 The study found that the compressive strength of more than 40 MPa (4270 MPa–5837 MPa) can be obtained by adding 100% CGCA when the added slag content is Study on compressive strength and durability of alkaliactivated

Study on the Reactivity Activation of Coal Gangue for
2023年9月21日 In this study, the research aim is to enhance the activity index of activated coal gangue and study its activation mechanism The activation process of coal gangue was optimized through orthogonal tests, and the Back 2023年12月15日 It’s reported that coal gangue is a potential building material with high application prospects [14]It contains high content of aluminosilicate minerals, especially SiO 2 and Al 2 O 3, which account for more than 80 % [5]The coal gangue produced directly embeds a certain amount of carbon and needs to be calcined before used as raw materialExperimental study on municipal solid waste incineration fly ash with the silicacontaining ore in coal gangue, thereby promoting the activation of Si in the coal gangue Methods In this study, coal gangue (10 g sample for each experiment) mixed with CaCO 3 and corn stalk powder was used to prepare coal ganguebased silicon fertilizer using a hightemperature activation furnace (DCB2, BeijingSustainable and clean utilization of coal gangue: activation and Coal gangue is one of the largest mine solid wastes in China, and its discharge and stockpiling have caused resource waste, environmental pollution and other problems Starting from the resource characteristics of coal gangue, this paper systematically discusses the ways and research status of coal gangue resource utilization, mainly including: extracting and recovering Research Progress on Comprehensive Utilization of Coal Gangue

Study on the modification effect and mechanism of tailings powder
2023年1月30日 Based on the problems of high carbon emission and high cost of traditional mining methods and filling materials, the tailings powder modified Coal Ganguebased Cementitious Backfill Material (CGCBM) was used for paste filling mining In this study, the samples were prepared with different tailings powder content and different curing ages The 2018年10月1日 DOI: 101016/JCONBUILDMAT201807220 Corpus ID: ; Preparation and characterization of coal gangue geopolymers @article{Cheng2018PreparationAC, title={Preparation and characterization of coal gangue geopolymers}, author={Yi Cheng and Hongqiang Ma and Hongyu Chen and Jiaxin Wang and Preparation and characterization of coal gangue geopolymers2020年5月15日 Coal ganguebased geopolymer (CGGP) is one of the hot spots existing in the recycling of coal gangue resources due to its good comprehensive mechanical properties However, the coal gangue structure is stable and reactivity is poor, so the coal gangue needs to be activated before utilization In this paper, the microstructure changes of activated coal Experimental Study on the Characteristics of Activated Coal Gangue 2022年4月18日 The main mineral components of the raw coal gangue are kaolinite (522%), mica (169%) and quartz (161%), and the main chemical components of the lowheat and lowcarbon coal gangue are SiO 2, Al 2 O 3 and Fe 2 O 3 ② Slag: S75 slag was collected from Handan Jinyu Taihang Cement Company (Hebei, China) ③ Fly ash: Grade Ⅱ fly ash was Preparation of coal gangueslagfly ash geopolymer grouting

Synergistic performance of microwaveactivated coal gangue with
2024年11月1日 The synergistic combination of limestone powder and calcined clay can substantially enhance the formation of calcium carboaluminate the environmental pollution caused by coal gangue Therefore, the feasibility study on the production and application of LC 3 of 1 kg of activated coal gangue powder can reduce CO 2 2024年6月28日 Feasibility Analysis of BacterialTreated Coal Gangue for Soil Improvement: GrowthPromoting E ff ects of Alfalfa Y aya W ang *, Mingwu Liu, Zhiting Di, W eilong Cao and Shihua HeFeasibility Analysis of BacterialTreated Coal Gangue for Soil 2017年1月12日 Coal gangue is one of the largest industrial solid waste all over the world, and many methods have been proposed for the recycling of coal gangue In the present study, the feasibility of using Feasibility study on the application of coal gangue as landfill 2020年5月15日 PDF Coal ganguebased geopolymer (CGGP) is one of the hot spots existing in the recycling of coal gangue resources due to its good comprehensive Find, read and cite all the research you Experimental Study on the Characteristics of

Study on the influence mechanism of activated coal gangue powder
2022年8月22日 1 Introduction Coal ganguebased green cemented filling is to mix cement, CGP, coal gangue aggregate and water in mine filling according to a certain proportion, which can not only effectively solve the pollution problem caused by coal gangue discharge, but also improve the comprehensive utilization rate of coal gangue, but also effectively control mining 2017年5月1日 The coal gangue used in this study was obtained from a coal field in Yulin, Shanxi Province, China Before the permeability and batch sorption tests, the coal gangue was ovendried at 105 °C, cooled to room temperature, and ground to pass a mesh with opening size of 1 mm (Fig 1 a) Table 1 summarizes the geotechnical properties and chemical composition of Feasibility study on the application of coal gangue as landfill 2024年9月20日 The accumulation of coal gangue poses significant environmental challenges due to its massive volume and low reactivity This study investigates the influence of calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)₂) and gypsum on the mechanical properties, hydration, and pore structure of lowcarbon cementitious materials incorporating high volumes of calcined coal gangue (CCG) Improvement of strength and microstructure of lowcarbon 2021年9月20日 In this study, we produced highefficiency coalgangue based silicon fertilizer by calcining a mixture of coal gangue, calcium carbonate (CaCO 3 ) and corn stalk powder at hightemperature (ie Sustainable and Clean Utilization of Coal Gangue: Activation and

Experimental study on calcium carbide residue as a combined
2021年12月1日 This study investigates the feasibility of two industrial byproducts, ie, coal gangue (CG) and calcium carbide residue (CCR), as a sustainable CG–CCR geopolymer binder for soil stabilization2021年9月28日 1 Introduction Coal gangue is a solid waste produced during coal mining and washing, and it is responsible for the majority of global emissions in the world []Longterm coal gangue storage not only takes up space, pollutes the environment, and degrades water quality, soil, and atmosphere but also endangers public safety and has a great influence on people’s Mechanism on Activation of Coal Gangue Admixture2021年12月20日 This study investigates the use of calcium carbide residue (CCR) as a potential alternative to NaOH for activating coal gangue (CG) geopolymers, both of industrial waste A series of experiments were carried out to evaluate the effects of CCR content, NaOH:Na 2 SiO 3 mass ratios, liquid to solid ratio (L/(CG + CCR)), and curing time on the strength development Experimental study on calcium carbide residue as a combined 2024年10月25日 The primary aim of this study was to evaluate the fresh and mechanical characteristics of selfcompacting concrete (SCC) containing fly ash (FA), coal gangue powder (CGP), cement kiln dust (CKD), and recycled concrete powder (RCP) Durability of high strength selfcompacting concrete with fly ash, coal

Preparation of coal gangueslagfly ash geopolymer grouting
2022年4月18日 The results showed the following: (1) Optimized formulation could be achieved at coal gangue powder: slag: blast furnace slag to raw materials could improve the early stage mechanical strength of the materials due to the high calcium content Fernández Feasibility study of red mudblast furnace slag based geopolymeric 2020年2月5日 Global rise in greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) is triggered mainly due to the consumption of fossil fuels for power generation and domestic usage Among the fossil fuels, coal is a primary contributor to global GHG with substantial emissions generated during its mining and combustion process Coal gangue, a residue produced during the coal mining process, has Characterization studies on coal gangue for sustainable geotechnics2022年11月25日 China’s total coal production in 2021 exceeded 413 billion tons, 52% of the world’s total Coal gangue, a solid waste of coal mining accounts for 15–20% of coal production, when directly discharged on the ground Underground Disposal of Coal Gangue Backfill in 2020年12月7日 Herein, a new geopolymer is recognized as a potential alternative cementing material of ordinary Portland cement (OPC), which is used for reducing carbon emissions and efficiently recycling the wasteStudy of Mechanical Properties and Durability of AlkaliActivated Coal

Study on the calorific value and cementitious properties of coal gangue
2024年2月2日 In low watertobinder ratio mixtures, the inhibitory effect of carbon in coal gangue on cement hydration is more pronounced Therefore, it is necessary to calcine the 01 mm coal gangue particles with high carbon content when using coal gangue aggregate to prepare highstrength cement concrete2022年5月24日 Alkaline dry powder activator, coal gangue, fly ash, and other raw materials are utilized to prepare coal ganguebased geopolymer concrete The procedures of making the coal ganguebased (PDF) Study on HighTemperature Behavior of Coal Gangue 2023年7月3日 Fig 4 shows the 29 Si and 27 Al NMR spectra of CG and CCG, respectively As seen in Fig 4 a, the 29 Si NMR spectrum of CG exhibits a single peak of Q 3 at −99 ppm, which is characteristic of layer silicates and assigned to Si linked via oxygens to three other Si atoms, corresponding to the kaoliniteite structure After calcination, the Q 3 signal almost Utilization of coal gangue powder to improve the sustainability 2024年5月7日 Efficient and thorough treatment of dye wastewater is essential to achieve ecological harmony In this study, a new type of calciumbased modified coal gangue (CaCG) was prepared by using solid waste coal gangue as raw material and a CaCl2 modifier, which was used for the removal of malachite green, methylene blue, crystal violet, methyl violet and other Study on Preparation of CalciumBased Modified Coal Gangue

Feasibility study on the preparation of ternary blended cements
2024年10月25日 This paper presents a feasibility study on the production of ternary blended cements with lowkaolinite calcined coal gangue (CCG) and limestone, considering kaolinite contents varying from 117 % to 406 % in coal gangue (CG)2024年3月11日 Although the calcinationbased activation of coal gangue is important for its valorization in the form of cementitious materials, the related works mainly focus on highquality coal gangue, neglecting its lowquality counterpart To bridge this gap, we herein conducted the pilotscale suspension calcination of lowquality coal gangue; explored the effects of Activation of LowQuality Coal Gangue Using Suspension MDPI2023年9月21日 In this study, the research aim is to enhance the activity index of activated coal gangue and study its activation mechanism The activation process of coal gangue was optimized through orthogonal tests, and the Back Study on the Reactivity Activation of Coal Gangue for 2023年12月15日 It’s reported that coal gangue is a potential building material with high application prospects [14]It contains high content of aluminosilicate minerals, especially SiO 2 and Al 2 O 3, which account for more than 80 % [5]The coal gangue produced directly embeds a certain amount of carbon and needs to be calcined before used as raw materialExperimental study on municipal solid waste incineration fly ash

Sustainable and clean utilization of coal gangue: activation and
with the silicacontaining ore in coal gangue, thereby promoting the activation of Si in the coal gangue Methods In this study, coal gangue (10 g sample for each experiment) mixed with CaCO 3 and corn stalk powder was used to prepare coal ganguebased silicon fertilizer using a hightemperature activation furnace (DCB2, BeijingCoal gangue is one of the largest mine solid wastes in China, and its discharge and stockpiling have caused resource waste, environmental pollution and other problems Starting from the resource characteristics of coal gangue, this paper systematically discusses the ways and research status of coal gangue resource utilization, mainly including: extracting and recovering Research Progress on Comprehensive Utilization of Coal Gangue2023年1月30日 Based on the problems of high carbon emission and high cost of traditional mining methods and filling materials, the tailings powder modified Coal Ganguebased Cementitious Backfill Material (CGCBM) was used for paste filling mining In this study, the samples were prepared with different tailings powder content and different curing ages The Study on the modification effect and mechanism of tailings powder 2018年10月1日 DOI: 101016/JCONBUILDMAT201807220 Corpus ID: ; Preparation and characterization of coal gangue geopolymers @article{Cheng2018PreparationAC, title={Preparation and characterization of coal gangue geopolymers}, author={Yi Cheng and Hongqiang Ma and Hongyu Chen and Jiaxin Wang and Preparation and characterization of coal gangue geopolymers

Experimental Study on the Characteristics of Activated Coal Gangue
2020年5月15日 Coal ganguebased geopolymer (CGGP) is one of the hot spots existing in the recycling of coal gangue resources due to its good comprehensive mechanical properties However, the coal gangue structure is stable and reactivity is poor, so the coal gangue needs to be activated before utilization In this paper, the microstructure changes of activated coal 2022年4月18日 The main mineral components of the raw coal gangue are kaolinite (522%), mica (169%) and quartz (161%), and the main chemical components of the lowheat and lowcarbon coal gangue are SiO 2, Al 2 O 3 and Fe 2 O 3 ② Slag: S75 slag was collected from Handan Jinyu Taihang Cement Company (Hebei, China) ③ Fly ash: Grade Ⅱ fly ash was Preparation of coal gangueslagfly ash geopolymer grouting 2024年11月1日 The synergistic combination of limestone powder and calcined clay can substantially enhance the formation of calcium carboaluminate the environmental pollution caused by coal gangue Therefore, the feasibility study on the production and application of LC 3 of 1 kg of activated coal gangue powder can reduce CO 2 Synergistic performance of microwaveactivated coal gangue with 2024年6月28日 Feasibility Analysis of BacterialTreated Coal Gangue for Soil Improvement: GrowthPromoting E ff ects of Alfalfa Y aya W ang *, Mingwu Liu, Zhiting Di, W eilong Cao and Shihua HeFeasibility Analysis of BacterialTreated Coal Gangue for Soil