Fly ash nitrogen removal
Efficient removal of ammonia–nitrogen in wastewater by zeolite
2024年9月10日 Zeolite molecular sieves are potential adsorbents for wastewater treatment, characterized by high efficiency, simple process, easy regeneration, and low treatment cost In 2024年8月1日 In this study, a novel Lanthanum and waste lye modified zeolite synthesized from fly ash (LZFA) was prepared and used as a modified substrate for constructed wetland (CW) Novel lanthanum and waste lye modified fly ash zeolite for 1998年11月1日 A distinctive feature of the work done was the assessment of the deactivating effect of various types of catalyst poisons (flyash of acidic or alkaline nature, SO 2, HCl, H 2 Simultaneous removal of nitrogen oxides and flyash from coal 2023年4月18日 The application potential of FASFe was verified in actual wastewater treatment, with the removal rates of ammonia nitrogen and TP reaching 713% and 627%, respectively This study provides a promising Removal efficacy of fly ash composite filler on tailwater
Removal of Ammonia Nitrogen from Aqueous Media with Low
2023年4月14日 Effective adsorption removal occurs by selecting adsorbents with a good adsorption performance, environmental protection, and low cost (Liang et al, 2016) The 2018年6月19日 Converting coal fly ash waste into an adsorbent for the removal of ammonia nitrogen is an effective approach Chemically treated highly porous converted coal fly ash was Converting waste coal fly ash into effective adsorbent for the 2024年6月12日 This paper presents a method for efficiently removing nitrogen oxides produced during cement production by utilizing coal fly ash, a common substitute in cement raw materials The surface acidity and reactive species Modification to Enhance Surface Acidity and Reactive 2018年5月1日 The results showed that when the zeolitized fly ash dosage was 9 g/L, the petrochemical wastewater pH value was 6∼8, adsorption time was 30 min and the reaction Performance of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Removal in
The Use of Ca and MgRich Fly Ash as a Chemical
2019年3月30日 Fly ash sufficiently removed ammonium nitrogen and phosphate from the liquid phase of anaerobic digestate, which led to the formation of ammonium magnesium hydrogen phosphate hydrate, struvite (NH 4 MgPO 4 Using synthetic zeolite from fly ash to treat high concentration phosphorus wastewater does not only improve the utilization of fly ash as solid waste but also reduce the environmental pressure caused by eutrophication A synthetic Synthesis of zeolite from fly ash and its adsorption 2023年10月30日 Excess inputs of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) can lead to imbalance in water ecosystems and thus trigger eutrophication In this study, a novel Lanthanum modified zeolite synthesized from fly ash (LZFA) was prepared and used as a modified substrate for constructed wetland (CW) to enhance N and P removalSynthesis of lanthanum and waste lye modifiedzeolite from fly ash 2018年11月20日 Synthesis of zeolite P1 from fly ash under solventfree conditions for ammonium removal from water Ammoniacal nitrogen is one of the significant widespread nitrogen pollution in lakes, ponds, Prior to the ammonium (NH 4 +) removal experiment, the product (Zeolite P1 obtained at 80 °C for 96 h) Synthesis of zeolite P1 from fly ash under solventfree conditions
Application of Fly Ash as an Adsorbent for Removal of Air and
Air pollutants such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and sulfur dioxide (SO2), as well as water pollutants (eg, heavy metals phosphorous, fluoride, boron, phenolic compounds, and dyes), are harmful to humans and the environment Effective control and reduction of their pollution is therefore an important topic for today’s scientists Fly ash 1998年11月1日 Patents in the field were recently filed by Babcock Wilcox 4, 5, 6 and by Owens–Corning Fiberglas [7]The socalled SO xNO xRox Box process by BW (Fig 2) allows simultaneous SO 2 and NO x removal: the former by chemisorption on lime, the latter by catalytic reduction with ammonia through catalytic filters based on V 2 O 5lined alumina fibres Simultaneous removal of nitrogen oxides and flyash from coal 2023年4月19日 Constructed wetlands (CWs) have been widely used in tailwater treatment However, it is difficult to achieve considerable removal efficiency of nitrogen and phosphorus in tailwater solely by CWs Removal efficacy of fly ash composite filler on tailwater nitrogen 2018年5月1日 The results showed that when the zeolitized fly ash dosage was 9 g/L, the petrochemical wastewater pH value was 6∼8, adsorption time was 30 min and the reaction temperature was 30°C, the synthetic zeolite had the best effect on the removal of TN and TP in petrochemical wastewater, and the removal was 655%, 914% respectivelyPerformance of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Removal in
Zeolite greenly synthesized from fly ash and its resource
2022年12月10日 However, due to the complexity of the fly ash composition (including C and other miscellaneous items), the synthesis and development of zeolite in the future will focus on the purification of fly ash raw materials (such as removal of impurities in fly ash by water washing, pickling, flotation, etc) and adjusting the Si Al ratio in the feedstock to obtain different zeolite 2011年6月1日 It is reported that removing fly ash deposits from the flue duct walls has been shown to reduce the emissions of PCDD/Fs (Wevers and de Fré, 1998)Nevertheless, fly ash accounts for 70% to 90% of the total PCDD/Fs released from an incinerator (Abad et al, 2001), and the problem emerges due to the toxicity of fly ashIn some countries fly ash is considered Thermal removal of PCDD/Fs from medical waste incineration fly ash 2024年7月3日 The widespread presence of ammonia nitrogen (NH4+–N) pollutants poses a serious threat to water environment health In this study, a novel zeolite (WTR–CFA zeolite) with excellent adsorption performance is synthesized using CFA as the raw material and water treatment residue (WTR) as the aluminum source through an ultrasonic–assisted alkali melt Synthesis of 4A Zeolite Molecular Sieves by Modifying Fly Ash 2024年8月6日 In order to explore the feasibility of using algae to treat the fly ash leachate from a safe landfill site, leachate samples taken from a certain safe landfill site in Wenzhou City were treated with two different microalgae, Optimization of Culture Conditions for Microalgae
Ammonia nitrogen removal from micropolluted
2014年1月2日 This paper focuses on the feasibility study of ammonia nitrogen removal from micropolluted river by permeable reactive barriers with mixtures of steel slag and fly ash brick as reactive materials2018年9月1日 Converting coal fly ash waste into an adsorbent for the removal of ammonia nitrogen is an effective approach Chemically treated highly porous converted coal fly ash was prepared through Converting waste coal fly ash into effective 1995年4月1日 The absorbent for SO{sub 2} from the flue gas of a coalfired electric power station was prepared from calcium oxide, calcium sulfate, and coal fly ash and examined for the relation between the desulfurization activity and the structure The activity is closely related to the progress of the hydration reaction taking place during preparation procedures The activity Highly Active Absorbent for SO2 Removal Prepared from Coal Fly Ash2024年8月1日 Excess inputs of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) can lead to imbalance in water ecosystems and thus trigger eutrophicationIn this study, a novel Lanthanum and waste lye modified zeolite synthesized from fly ash (LZFA) was prepared and used as a modified substrate for constructed wetland (CW) to enhance N and P removal Singlefactor and response Novel lanthanum and waste lye modified fly ash zeolite for nitrogen
Thermal removal of PCDD/Fs from medical waste incineration fly ash
DOI: 101016/jemosphere201102015 Corpus ID: ; Thermal removal of PCDD/Fs from medical waste incineration fly asheffect of temperature and nitrogen flow rate @article{Wu2011ThermalRO, title={Thermal removal of PCDD/Fs from medical waste incineration fly asheffect of temperature and nitrogen flow rate}, author={Hai Long Wu and Shengyong Fly ash cement T Hemalatha, Ananth Ramaswamy, in Handbook of Fly Ash, 2022 181 General Blended fly ash (FA) cement can be produced either by intergrinding the FA with Portland cement clinker during manufacturing, called postpozzolana cement, or by blending the dry FA with ordinary Portland cement (OPC) onsite The characteristics of blended FA cement vary Fly Ash an overview ScienceDirect Topics2024年2月22日 Efficient removal of ammonia–nitrogen in wastewater by zeolite molecular sieves prepared from coal fly ash Article Open access 10 September 2024 IntroductionResearch on plasma modified fly ash denitration Nature2002年5月1日 The compositional similarity of fly ash to some volcanic material, precursor of natural zeolites, was the main reason to experiment with the synthesis of zeolites from this coal byproduct by Höller and Wirsching (1985)Although this potential application may consume only a small proportion of the fly ash production, the final products obtained may reach a relatively Synthesis of zeolites from coal fly ash: an overview
Ammonium continuous removal by zeolite P synthesized using fly ash
2022年6月23日 The new composite product synthesized by zeolite P and bacteria consisting of nitrobacteria and denitrobacteria can efficiently and continuously remove ammonium in solution through zeolite adsorption and bacteria degradation In this study, we used fly ash to prepared zeolite P, and then combined bacteria to synthesize the composite product The adsorption 2024年4月6日 Phosphate removal from water by lanthanummodified tobermorite synthesized from fly ash (LTFA) with different lanthanum concentrations was studied LTFA samples were characterized by Xray diffraction, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and Brunauer‒Emmett‒Teller specific surface area analysis The results showed Lanthanummodified tobermorite synthesized from fly ash for 2018年7月10日 [12][13][14] FA is suggested as a promising absorbent for removal of various pollutants 15 Fly ash (FA) is a low costsolid industrial waste produced from the combustion of carbon and other (PDF) Application of Fly Ash as an Adsorbent for 2024年3月16日 PDF Fly ash is a kind of industrial solid waste, value is 6–8, the removal rate of ammonia nitrogen is signi cantly higher, espe cial ly when the pH value is 7,Controlled Synthesis of Fly AshBased Zeolite X/A for Ammonia Nitrogen
Removal of Sulfur Dioxide from Flue Gas by the Absorbent
Removal of SO2 from flue gas by the absorbent prepared from coal fly ash, calcium oxide, and calcium sulfate was studied under different reaction conditions to elucidate the effects of the reaction temperature, water vapor pressure, and coexistence of NO in a flue gas The SO2 removal activity increased with an increase in NO concentration up to 500 ppm at 130 °C The 2020年4月22日 Synthetic zeolites with pretreated fly ash as a raw material were used to remove ammonium from wastewater using a hydrothermal method in this study Two pretreatment methods of fly ash were used to compare the ammonium removal of zeolites: waterwashing and pickling In addition, the effects of several factors including the time, temperature, pH, Removal of Ammonium from Swine Wastewater Using Synthesized 2022年3月1日 In this study, fly ash and hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2) assisted hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) was used to improve the removal efficiency of nitrogen (N) and sulfur (S) from sewage sludge (SS) The removal rate and distribution of N and S in hydrochar were evaluated, and properties of the aqueous phase were analyzed to illustrate the N and S Fly ash and H2O2 assisted hydrothermal carbonization for improving the 2018年11月20日 In this work, zeolite P1 is synthesized from fluidized bed fly ash (FA) via a solventfree process The formation of zeolite P1 is investigated as a function of crystallization reaction time The solid mixture of FA and Na 2 SiO 3 9H 2 O with a mole ratio of Na:Al:Si = 15:1:17 can be converted to zeolite P1 at 80 °C for 24–96 h XRF, XRD, SEM/EDS, FTIR, Synthesis of zeolite P1 from fly ash under solventfree conditions
Utilization of coal fly ash in China: a minireview on challenges
2020年4月28日 The rapid economic development in China places a large demand for energy, and as a result, thermal power plants in China are producing an enormous amount of coal fly ash (CFA) which causes severe environmental pollution This paper briefly describes the current production and utilization status of CFA in China and identifies the challenges confronting 2021年12月1日 Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Fly ash and H2O2 assisted hydrothermal carbonization for improving the nitrogen and sulfur removal from sewage sludge" by Xiaobo Wang et al Skip to search form Skip to main content Skip to account menu Semantic Fly ash and H2O2 assisted hydrothermal carbonization for Nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) removal efficiency of fly ash (FA), zeolite (Z), and both from an aqueous solution containing N and P Bars indicate standard deviation of the means (n = 3)Nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) removal efficiency of fly ash Using synthetic zeolite from fly ash to treat high concentration phosphorus wastewater does not only improve the utilization of fly ash as solid waste but also reduce the environmental pressure caused by eutrophication A synthetic Synthesis of zeolite from fly ash and its adsorption
Synthesis of lanthanum and waste lye modifiedzeolite from fly ash
2023年10月30日 Excess inputs of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) can lead to imbalance in water ecosystems and thus trigger eutrophication In this study, a novel Lanthanum modified zeolite synthesized from fly ash (LZFA) was prepared and used as a modified substrate for constructed wetland (CW) to enhance N and P removal2018年11月20日 Synthesis of zeolite P1 from fly ash under solventfree conditions for ammonium removal from water Ammoniacal nitrogen is one of the significant widespread nitrogen pollution in lakes, ponds, Prior to the ammonium (NH 4 +) removal experiment, the product (Zeolite P1 obtained at 80 °C for 96 h) Synthesis of zeolite P1 from fly ash under solventfree conditions Air pollutants such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and sulfur dioxide (SO2), as well as water pollutants (eg, heavy metals phosphorous, fluoride, boron, phenolic compounds, and dyes), are harmful to humans and the environment Effective control and reduction of their pollution is therefore an important topic for today’s scientists Fly ash Application of Fly Ash as an Adsorbent for Removal of Air and1998年11月1日 Patents in the field were recently filed by Babcock Wilcox 4, 5, 6 and by Owens–Corning Fiberglas [7]The socalled SO xNO xRox Box process by BW (Fig 2) allows simultaneous SO 2 and NO x removal: the former by chemisorption on lime, the latter by catalytic reduction with ammonia through catalytic filters based on V 2 O 5lined alumina fibres Simultaneous removal of nitrogen oxides and flyash from coal
Removal efficacy of fly ash composite filler on tailwater nitrogen
2023年4月19日 Constructed wetlands (CWs) have been widely used in tailwater treatment However, it is difficult to achieve considerable removal efficiency of nitrogen and phosphorus in tailwater solely by CWs 2018年5月1日 The results showed that when the zeolitized fly ash dosage was 9 g/L, the petrochemical wastewater pH value was 6∼8, adsorption time was 30 min and the reaction temperature was 30°C, the synthetic zeolite had the best effect on the removal of TN and TP in petrochemical wastewater, and the removal was 655%, 914% respectivelyPerformance of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Removal in 2022年12月10日 However, due to the complexity of the fly ash composition (including C and other miscellaneous items), the synthesis and development of zeolite in the future will focus on the purification of fly ash raw materials (such as removal of impurities in fly ash by water washing, pickling, flotation, etc) and adjusting the Si Al ratio in the feedstock to obtain different zeolite Zeolite greenly synthesized from fly ash and its resource 2011年6月1日 It is reported that removing fly ash deposits from the flue duct walls has been shown to reduce the emissions of PCDD/Fs (Wevers and de Fré, 1998)Nevertheless, fly ash accounts for 70% to 90% of the total PCDD/Fs released from an incinerator (Abad et al, 2001), and the problem emerges due to the toxicity of fly ashIn some countries fly ash is considered Thermal removal of PCDD/Fs from medical waste incineration fly ash
Synthesis of 4A Zeolite Molecular Sieves by Modifying Fly Ash
2024年7月3日 The widespread presence of ammonia nitrogen (NH4+–N) pollutants poses a serious threat to water environment health In this study, a novel zeolite (WTR–CFA zeolite) with excellent adsorption performance is synthesized using CFA as the raw material and water treatment residue (WTR) as the aluminum source through an ultrasonic–assisted alkali melt