MTW European Type Trapezium Mill

Input size:30-50mm

Capacity: 3-50t/h

LM Vertical Roller Mill

Input size:38-65mm

Capacity: 13-70t/h

Raymond Mill

Input size:20-30mm

Capacity: 0.8-9.5t/h

Sand powder vertical mill

Input size:30-55mm

Capacity: 30-900t/h

LUM series superfine vertical roller grinding mill

Input size:10-20mm

Capacity: 5-18t/h

MW Micro Powder Mill

Input size:≤20mm

Capacity: 0.5-12t/h

LM Vertical Slag Mill

Input size:38-65mm

Capacity: 7-100t/h

LM Vertical Coal Mill

Input size:≤50mm

Capacity: 5-100t/h

TGM Trapezium Mill

Input size:25-40mm

Capacity: 3-36t/h

MB5X Pendulum Roller Grinding Mill

Input size:25-55mm

Capacity: 4-100t/h

Straight-Through Centrifugal Mill

Input size:30-40mm

Capacity: 15-45t/h

How far is the distance between the large reducer and the reducer

  • Antares f/63 Focal Reducer for SCTs Awesome Astro

    2020年1月6日  “leading to a necessary distance of 82mm from the front of the reducer to the imaging camera’s sensor; this only leaves around 49mm of distance from the back of the reducer to your imaging sensor, making the Spacing between the focal reducer and the camera is not that critical Changing the spacing changes the amount of focal reduction A typical reducer will usually multiply the focal length Imaging Setups for AstrophotographyThese distances are quite large compared to typical flatteners or reducers which have a separation from lens to sensor of ~56 mm This may be one reason why its performance is so good as the greater the distance of the flattener to the Field Flatteners and Focal Reducers Ian Morison2014年5月29日  The optimum distance between reducer and chip is usually stated in the camera documentation it's different for each camera Then you have to make the distance correct Reducer/ field flattened distance to ccd chip calculation

  • 063x Starizona Focal Reducer for SCTs Awesome

    2021年3月4日  The Starizona 063x SCT reducer and corrector is a phenomenal piece of equipment for demanding tasks on SCTs, such as deep sky astrophotography with large total 2023年5月30日  When choosing a focal reducer, ensure compatibility with your telescope and consider factors such as telescope type, back focus distance, image circle size, and the Understanding Telescope Focal Reducers: How They Work and 2021年7月20日  When the f/63 reducer/corrector is used for imaging, we need to work with its back focus or what’s really its specified working distance (see Section 32) This distance is A Primer on Back Focus in AstronomySettling Distance – 34 pipe diameters of settling distance between the flow conditioner and flow meter installation location are required to fully condition the flow stream X%: Application not recommended See Vortab discussions below on how to eliminate effect and improve accuracyBest Practices Engineering Guide Fluid Components

  • What is a difference between action,reducer and

    2019年1月27日  It's pretty simple when you think about it: Store is what holds all the data your application uses; Reducer is what manipulates that data when it receives an action; Action is what tells reducer to manipulate the store 2010年4月1日  Page 1 of 2 f/63 reducer spacing for SCT posted in DSLR, Mirrorless GeneralPurpose Digital Camera DSO Imaging: Hi everyone, I finally got a focal reducer for my LX90 just in time for galaxy season! I took it out f/63 reducer spacing for SCT Cloudy Nights2021年5月20日  Reducers (cylindrical gear reducer, bevel gear reducer, conical and cylindrical gear reducer, worm reducer, and planetary gear reducer) are the transmission devices between the prime mover and the work machine to reduce the speed and increase the torque to meet the needs of work machines and improve efficiencyWhat Is A Reducer? Cylindrical Gear Reducer, Bevel Gear Reducer 2024年5月18日  Lines of latitude and longitude intersect, creating a grid that allows anyone in any location to pinpoint a geographic location There are 360 degrees of longitude (because meridians make Great Circles around the globe), and there are 180 degrees of latitudeThe Distance Between Degrees of Latitude and Longitude

  • Minimum Distance Between Pipe Fittings CR4 Discussion

    2014年1月17日  I want to know a code or standard which describe good practices or standard for distance between pipe fittings in a pipe system Because very short distances affects for high pressure drops please help me Eccentric Reducer : Next in Forum: Case Carburizing of EN8 or BS970 080M40: Advertisement Got Something to Say? Ask a QuestionA pipe reducer is a type of extensively used pipe fitting that reduces the nominal bore from a bigger inner diameter to a smaller inner diameter There are two types of pipe reducers; Concentric reducers and Eccentric reducersPipe Reducers: Concentric Reducers, Eccentric Reducers2021年2月19日  To answer your question, the backfocus spec on any reducer refers to the distance from the back edge of reducer to your camera sensor An update, after much real world experimentation, I can confirm that Antares own spec (which I never did actually find published anywhere I could find) of 82 mm is incorrect Very much incorrectHelp a brother out, what is the real backfocus spec of the Antares I am actually plotting the size of the object vs distance in pixels (or location) So I start with the object being on the far left of the image (pixel coord x = 0) and end with the object being on the far right of the image along the same line (pixel coord x=3000) I wonder if the relationship is the same in that case \$\endgroup\$ –What is the relationship between size of object with distance?

  • What Happens to Air Flow in Ducts When Size Changes?

    2018年10月29日  The red arrow shows the initial distance between the two plugs of air As you can see, the distance between increased It’s interesting to see how the velocity changes in the reducer fitting My hunch is that the unit installed in your crawl space is far too large for the job it is doing this yearFlowmeter installation guidelines are in large part based on flowmeter piping requirements, Swirl is far more difficult to correct than flowprofile distortion holes, reaming scores, and bumps for a distance of four pipe diameters Flowmeter piping requirements PI Process 2022年1月1日  Harmonic Reducer Performance Prediction Algorithm Based on Multivariate State Estimation and LargeVis Dimensionality Reduction(PDF) Harmonic Reducer Performance Prediction 2022年4月23日  Page 1 of 3 Starizona 063x reducer/corrector IV for SCT's posted in Cats Casses: I have read that Starizona sells for $399 the so called corrector IV that, according to the manufacturer, delivers pinpoint stars across Starizona 063x reducer/corrector IV for SCT's Cloudy

  • Understanding Telescope Focal Reducers: How They Work and

    2023年5月30日  Ensure that the focal reducer you select is compatible with your telescope model Back Focus Distance: The back focus distance is the distance between the focal plane of the telescope and the camera sensor Some focal reducers require a specific back focus distance for optimal performance Make sure your setup meets the recommended requirementsWhenever a low point exists at the pump's suction line and a concentric reducer is used at pump suction nozzle, it is possible to have vapor accumulation close to the pump suction nozzle (Picture2) In such cases, straight horizontal pipe between reducer and pump suction should be kept to a minimumUse of eccentric reducer in pump suction piping2022年11月17日  Eccentric Reducer To align with only one side of the inlet, eccentric pipe reducer fittings are made with the smaller outlet offset from, the larger end The reducer must be placed with its straight side up to prevent air from getting trapped in the pump suction The eccentric pipe reducers make it easy to join pipes of various sizesTips For Choosing The Right Reducer ThePipingMart Blog2019年2月22日  Page 1 of 2 How to use 63 focal reducer together with the Celestron 2 inch xlt Diagonal? posted in Celestron Computerized Telescopes: I purchased the focal reducer first and a couple weeks later the 2 (93527) XLT coated diagonal When I attach the diagonal directly to the focal reducer it doesnt allow me to focus on a star ie the focus knob stops before I How to use 63 focal reducer together with the Celestron 2 inch

  • 063x Starizona Focal Reducer for SCTs Awesome

    2021年3月4日  The backfocus distance (from the back of the reducer to the camera sensor) is very finicky (understandably) and should be measured to the nearest millimeter, using spacers as needed I won’t provide this measurement here because it may vary between versions, however it should be clearly noted in the documentation for your purchase2013年8月23日  According to my calculations, and what i have read on internet, the optimal distance between the reducer and the chip is 105mm, the only focuser that allows for this distance (107ish mm) is the feathertouch with the "shorty" sctadapter witch is 56mm, my nikon T2flange to the chip is 50mm The Steeltrack and moonlite is far to long (93 and 91mm)Crayford and Reducer on SCT Discussions Stargazers LoungeDischarge line is taken vertically to clear headroom and supported from above Concentric reducer if needed is placed in the first removable spool Check valve and isolation valve are placed immediately after From pump nozzle to first elbow a minimum 3 to 5 diameter straight length to be there including length of reducer where possibleStandard pump piping routing considerations for pump Example 2: Find the distance between the two points (–3, 2) and (3, 5) Label the parts of each point properly and substitute it into the distance formula If we let [latex]\left( { – 3,2} \right)[/latex] be the first point then it will take the subscript Distance Formula and Examples ChiliMath

  • Antares f/63 Focal Reducer for SCTs Awesome Astro

    2020年1月6日  thank you for all information about Antares reducer You’re said that the distance is 49mm since reducer back to the sensor I had believe understand that the 82mm was from the back and not to the front For a 1) Table "7" indicates the maximum distance allowed between valves on a pipeline TABLE "7" Spacing of Valves Diameter Valves Maximum Spacing of Valves 6inch every 800 feet 8inch to 12inch (MultiFamily Residential Use) every 800 feet 8inch to 12inch (Single Family Residential Use) every 1000 feet18 Pipeline Valves WSSC Water2021年7月20日  Figure 5 – A Tele Vue TR2008 focal reducer with a 55mm back focus specification At left, the reducer is used with a DSLR and Tring with a combined 55mm path length At right, a ZWO cooled camera with a sensor recessed by 175mm from the camera T2 ring is spaced from the reducer by a 165mm and 21mm T2 spacer ring for a working distance A Primer on Back Focus in Astronomy2019年8月14日  Position of Focal Reducer posted in Beginning Deep Sky Imaging: I have a ES 102mm refractor that has a Focal Length of 714mm I plan to add a stellarvue 08 mm focal reducer I know this should reduce the focal length to approximately 571mm Question is, where in the light path train do I add it 1) Should it go at the 714mm distance?Position of Focal Reducer Beginning Deep Sky Imaging

  • Pump inlet and outlet pipeline design Pumps Couplings

    2022年5月30日  When stainless steel gear pump inlet pipe system has reducer pipe, the pipe diameter ≥DN65 uses eccentric size head to prevent gas accumulation at reducer The installation side of the reducing pipe is shown in the figure, that is, when the front elbow of the inlet flange is downward, the reducing pipe is flat on top; When the elbow is up, the bottom of the reducer is 2021年4月10日  Lastly is an ASI183MC astro camera with a flange focal distance of 65 mm Given that the Crayford is between the reducer and the camera, using it to focus changes the distance between the two and hence may affect the coma correction So my assumption is that the following procedure is the correct one Please tell me if my reasoning is faulty hereCorrect procedure for setting focus and back focus with an SCT reducer Field Flatteners and Reducer/Flatteners The required distance varies from ~100 to 130 mmas the telescope focal length increases from 450 to 800 mm These distances are quite large compared to typical flatteners or reducers which have a Field Flatteners and Focal Reducers Ian Morison2021年8月13日  On the suction side, the diameter can be the same size, but often engineers select a size or two bigger, thus requiring an eccentric reducer Larger suction piping on the suction side is usually preferred if the liquid viscosity is greater than water This also helps produce an even flow to the pump and avoid cavitation 36 Basic Rules of Pump Piping Design Pumps Systems

  • What is the difference between reducer and swage?

    Pipe Reducer Dimensions – Concentric and Eccentric Reducer Dimensions NOMINAL PIPE SIZE OUTSIDE DIAMETER OUTSIDE DIAMETER 1 x 1/2 334 213 1 1/4 x 1 422 334 1 1/4 x 3/4 422 267 1 1/4 x 1/2 422 213Settling Distance – 34 pipe diameters of settling distance between the flow conditioner and flow meter installation location are required to fully condition the flow stream X%: Application not recommended See Vortab discussions below on how to eliminate effect and improve accuracyBest Practices Engineering Guide Fluid Components2019年1月27日  It's pretty simple when you think about it: Store is what holds all the data your application uses; Reducer is what manipulates that data when it receives an action; Action is what tells reducer to manipulate the store What is a difference between action,reducer and 2010年4月1日  Page 1 of 2 f/63 reducer spacing for SCT posted in DSLR, Mirrorless GeneralPurpose Digital Camera DSO Imaging: Hi everyone, I finally got a focal reducer for my LX90 just in time for galaxy season! I took it out f/63 reducer spacing for SCT Cloudy Nights

  • What Is A Reducer? Cylindrical Gear Reducer, Bevel Gear Reducer

    2021年5月20日  Reducers (cylindrical gear reducer, bevel gear reducer, conical and cylindrical gear reducer, worm reducer, and planetary gear reducer) are the transmission devices between the prime mover and the work machine to reduce the speed and increase the torque to meet the needs of work machines and improve efficiency2024年5月18日  Lines of latitude and longitude intersect, creating a grid that allows anyone in any location to pinpoint a geographic location There are 360 degrees of longitude (because meridians make Great Circles around the globe), and there are 180 degrees of latitudeThe Distance Between Degrees of Latitude and Longitude2014年1月17日  I want to know a code or standard which describe good practices or standard for distance between pipe fittings in a pipe system Because very short distances affects for high pressure drops please help me Eccentric Reducer : Next in Forum: Case Carburizing of EN8 or BS970 080M40: Advertisement Got Something to Say? Ask a QuestionMinimum Distance Between Pipe Fittings CR4 Discussion A pipe reducer is a type of extensively used pipe fitting that reduces the nominal bore from a bigger inner diameter to a smaller inner diameter There are two types of pipe reducers; Concentric reducers and Eccentric reducersPipe Reducers: Concentric Reducers, Eccentric Reducers

  • Help a brother out, what is the real backfocus spec of the Antares

    2021年2月19日  To answer your question, the backfocus spec on any reducer refers to the distance from the back edge of reducer to your camera sensor An update, after much real world experimentation, I can confirm that Antares own spec (which I never did actually find published anywhere I could find) of 82 mm is incorrect Very much incorrectI am actually plotting the size of the object vs distance in pixels (or location) So I start with the object being on the far left of the image (pixel coord x = 0) and end with the object being on the far right of the image along the same line (pixel coord x=3000) I wonder if the relationship is the same in that case \$\endgroup\$ –What is the relationship between size of object with distance?2018年10月29日  The red arrow shows the initial distance between the two plugs of air As you can see, the distance between increased It’s interesting to see how the velocity changes in the reducer fitting My hunch is that the unit installed in your crawl space is far too large for the job it is doing this yearWhat Happens to Air Flow in Ducts When Size Changes?

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